🧡SAYAKA: Friends🧡

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Y/n hums in agreement and waits for the final round. The cards were dealt and she watched her cards.

"You've got terrible cards right?" Yumeko asked.

"Huh?" Y/n asked.

"Your eyebrow twitched when you sas them."

"Oh. I didn't notice."

"I think I win." Yumeko laid her cards down.

"Already? Fine." Y/n laid the cards down.

Yumeko's eyes went wide as Mary's did also, y/n had won. Y/n held up a housepet tag holding it out to the girl. Before looking at Yumeko.

"Please leave." Y/n mutters.

"I see why she's the grim reaper...she has like no emotions." Yumeko spoke.

"Cool. Leave."

The pair left and y/n watched them leave as she stood up. She threw the chair at the wall yelling in anger. She punched the wall and yelled before falling on the floor crying. She held herself crying because she was alone. Everyone made her this way, she just wanted one friend and someone to love her.

"Y/n. Y/n? I have the paperwork president had requested for you. Did yo-" Sayaka stopped seeing the state of the girl.

Y/n looked up and panicked knowing her reputation would be ruind.

"Sayaka. I'm sorry." Y/n tried to wipe her face.

"Y/n? Why are you crying?" Sayaka bent down infront of the girl.

"Nothing." Y/n spoke trying to clean herself.

"Something is."

"Nothing. I'm fine." Y/n tried to convince herself.

"You are not. I'm not going to pry but please take care of yourself." Sayaka smiled.


Y/n came to school 2 days later and entered her den, ready to clean up the mess but it was already clean. She noticed a letter in the centre of the table.

Please don't mind me cleaning. You deserved a break. Meet me for lunch here? -S

Y/n stared at the letter rolling her eyes. It was obviously a prank and y/n continued her day. By lunch she was sat eating an apple alone in her den. There was a knock on the door and Sayaka entered smiling and holding two lunch boxes. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Hey. I brought lunch." Sayaka smiled.

"Oh...you were serious." Y/n stared.

"Of course. We might not know each other well but i'd like to be your friend." Sayaka smiled.

"Is this a joke?" Y/n asked.

"No. I promise." Sayaka sat holding lunch to the girl.

Y/n smiled and nodded eating the lunch. She sat in silence only answering questions with yes or no. Y/n didn't ask questions but listened when Sayaka went off into a rant.

"I have to return to the president. Excuse me." Sayaka left.

Y/n smiled when the girl left and stayed quiet. This routine continued for 2 months, to the point they met up after school and on weekends.

"Fuck." Y/n groaned.

"You owe me 100 yen." Sayaka spoke.

"Yeah yeah." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Come on." Sayaka laughed.

The pair went into the den and giggled when they entered. They had kept theirs eyes soley on each other. Sayaka giggled and ate lunch with y/n as they bonded over books and shows.

"So you and the president huh?" Y/n teased.

"What about me and the president?" Sayaka asked confused.

"Aren't you two dating?" Y/n asked.

"Nope. My eyes are set on someone else." Sayaka giggled.

"Weird. I swear the president would love you." Y/n laughed.

"Oh the president did confess her love and I rejected her. She took it well and understood."

"So are you going to tell your crush?" Y/n asked.

"Not yet." Sayaka giggled.

"Who is it?"

"Not telling you." Sayaka smiled eating.

Y/n pouted and ate her food as the conversation continued. Y/n giggled as the day ended later on and everyone was staring at her.

"Fuck off." Y/n growled.

"Okay." The guy squeaked.

Y/n laughed and entered the student council room. She sat down in her seat as the room was silent. No one came in when she waited. As she stood up Sayaka walked in smiling.

"Y/n. It got cancelled today." Sayaka smiled.

"You didn't tell me."

"Oh. Sorry." Sayaka blushed.

"I'll leave." Y/n got up.

"Here. Wait." Sayaka blurted.


"I like you."

"You like me? I like you too Sayaka. You're my friend."

"No no. I don't like you as a friend...I like you as in like like romantically."


"Oh. Ohh you're not gay. Fuck." Sayaka whispered.

"Hey no wait. I'm gay, jesus. Come here." Y/n pulled the girl over.

Sayaka yelped as she was pulled but y/n kissed her making her melt in the touch.

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