Start from the beginning

Cole: (after a moment) I have my reasons. (Stands up) I'm gonna get some air. Thank you again for inviting us. (Exits)

Soul: aw, damn. That was uncool to ask.

Ann: it's not your fault. People have always asked him about them. Back at our old school, most students saw him as weak and would say he wasn't fit to be with a Meister or weapon.

Tsubaki: how did you meet him?

Ann: when they were forming partners. Since we had the same powers, they thought we'd make a good pair. Our wavelengths were compatible, and have worked together since.

Blackstar: did he tell you about his eyes?

Ann: not for a while. It took him weeks before he opened up and told me about them. But, I made sure he knew that I was still his friend no matter what. Be patient with him, guys. When Cole's ready, I'm sure he'll tell you.

They didn't know, but Cole heard every word. He knew he shouldn't have left like that, but reacted on instinct. On the other hand, he knew he can't hide the past from them forever. But, it was very personal to him, and wasn't comfortable talking about it all the time. How do you explain a traumatic experience like that to someone without worrying about the outcome? His thoughts were interrupted when his seismic sense goes off, and he senses two witches in Death City. Acting fast, Cole ran in the direction of the source.

He arrives to find Medusa in an alley, and soon, Maka and Stein arrive as well.

Maka: are you all right, Dr. Medusa?

Stein: we detected two witches in this area and came as quickly as we could.

Medusa: yes. I sensed them too and came to investigate them myself.

Maka: I wonder if one of them could have been the witch who was there when Soul was injured.

Cole: no, I don't think it is. Each witch is different from one another. As a result, their wavelengths have a specific signature to them. The one you mentioned would have to be much larger and more powerful for me to sense.

Stein: Cole's right. Another thing, that witch had the demon sword and its Meister along with her. And even if she had been, I doubt we would've sensed her at all. I have a feeling that this one is too cunning to release her protect in the middle of Death City without reason. One thing we do know is that this witch has an interest in weapons and Meisters, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was in the area, observing the students here.

Cole: if that's true, then she'd most likely be doing it quietly. Still, I don't understand this.

He walks ahead, and starts using his seismic sense to try and locate the witches. He couldn't find them, so he then focused on checking the area for clues. He found that there were two witches. One of them was killed by something. The other escaped, potentially being the attacker. However, it wouldn't make sense for two witches to fight in the academy limits. Something was missing here.

A short while later, Soul came down to check on Maka, and it was clear he was worried about her. Maka then found what she was looking for, and Stein knew how to help them get stronger. As they leave, Soul speaks with Cole.

Soul: Cole, I'm sorry I asked about your eyes.

Cole: it's alright. You're not the first to ask about them. But, for now, I prefer to keep it to myself for the time being.

Maka: don't worry. We'll be waiting until you're ready.

Medusa's Thoughts: interesting. I was originally going to use the experiment concerning Soul Eater. But, it seems the Blind Meister holds more than he's letting on. I need to know what exactly is he.

The Blind Meister (Soul Eater OC story) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now