Chapter 46 - Chloe

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He was still far ahead of her. She picked up her pace in hopes of catching up to him, but even at a gentle jog, he was out of reach.

Any time she pressed into his mind, he wouldn't reveal a thing except to tell her to keep following him.

Darkness began to set into the forest. With the thick canopy of leaves overhead, she couldn't tell if the sky had a beautiful sunset or if the brightest stars were starting to twinkle.

The forest ended abruptly, opening up to a field of corn that stretched farther than she could see. The pungent odor of pesticides gripped her nostrils, making her snort and cough before she was able to pick up Animkii's scent along the edge of the cornfield.

She followed it around, where there was a tree every twenty yards in a straight line with tall grass around it. It must have been a separation line between farmers' fields. The corn was tall enough to conceal their forms on both sides should any farmer be out in the encroaching night.

[There's another way to get around the fields and remain hidden in thin forests but this is the most direct route,] Animkii told her. [And plus, you can see the moon and stars from here.]

She looked up at the sky and he was right. The moon was there in the plum-indigo sky with a couple of stars glimmering faintly.

[Where are we going?] she asked finally, her attention diverted for a second as a field mouse scurried across her path. She licked her chops before shaking the idea of catching a light snack out of her mind.

[You'll see.]

She huffed, but couldn't stop herself from grinning. She thought she caught a glimpse of his white wolf ahead of her, almost disappearing into the next treeline of a scant forest surrounded by farmers' fields. She picked up her pace with less foliage around her now to slow her down.

The hunt continued for a few more miles before they entered another dense forest. A creek cut through and she lost his trail when she reached the water's edge. The loss of connection caused her to whimper as she looked up and down the creek for him.

It was completely dark now and without the light of the moon reaching through the treetops, she couldn't tell how deep the water was or any wet marks of where he emerged.

He stepped out of the darkness across the creek from her and barked. His tail swished from side to side before he turned and continued ahead.

She bound into the cold water, her paws scraping against the pebbles and small rocks underfoot, until she emerged on the other side. It only got as deep as her shoulders in the middle for a second before she was climbing out of the water. She shook herself off for a moment before continuing forward where he had disappeared.

His scent was scant now and she had to slow her pace and lower her nose to the ground. The water had washed away their scents and it would take a bit to pick him back up again.

Her wolf whined softly, uncertain if she was going the right way or even knowing if he was still near.

The forest opened up into a small grassy clearing with some fallen trees and large rocks covered in moss. There was an opening in the trees overhead and she could see the half-moon shining down on her. Crickets chirped and mosquitoes hummed. Fireflies danced lazily in the moonlight, unbothered by her presence. She could smell him faintly here, his musk surrounding the glen as though he had rubbed his scent into the trees prior.

There was an old cracked stump in the middle of the open space. Something protruded out of it and as she neared, Animkii's scent intensified. He'd peed at the base of it. This had to be important or else he wouldn't have marked it with his scent.

War Claim (The Claim: Book 3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon