Another chapter brought to you by online school

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I'll be honest, probably the reason it took me about 16 days to post after the last chapter is that online schooling hit in Hungary again, so now I'm studying over Discord! :D

This means I have to look out for my status and pfp on Discord- since I'm in the school's server with 700+ people, including teachers, soooo yikes ._.

But anyway, I promise to hopefully get quicker as time goes on! I really don't like that I'm posting two times a month but, unfortunately, it's hard to draw faster qq

But you're still here, and I'm so thankful for that! We've already been through 80 chapters, wonder what I'll do when we hit 100-

Also, I'll say it here too; I'm reviving my redesigning your OCs book, only now it's not for free quq There were already more people interested than I expected, but just letting you know, so when I open slots again, you can get one!

Now, some birthday gifts!

I drew this for my sister's birthday quq (She was born on Halloween-)

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I drew this for my sister's birthday quq (She was born on Halloween-)

I'll be honest I definitely could've done way better, but I wasn't having a good day in terms of drawing, I think we all have those days where we can barely draw anything good but still have to .w.

But she liked it, and that's all that matters! I draw to make people happy primarily ^^ And for personal enjoyment, but yanno, people say 'selfish content' from Youtubers is often times the most genuine and fun!

But she liked it, and that's all that matters! I draw to make people happy primarily ^^ And for personal enjoyment, but yanno, people say 'selfish content' from Youtubers is often times the most genuine and fun!

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And this one for R, or FeliciaisanAngelR! SUPER late, I sent it to her like, a week after her birthday cuz I totally forgot and I still feel terrible for it qnq

But ye, it's just us again with angel wings, R always had this angel theme going so I went with it! Mine are damaged cuz hahahahaha I'm in the closet-

If I had more time I would've definitely fixed the grass or the mountains, then again I'm no Bob Ross-

And now, some more important stuff! I guess, I dunno how to do orders correctly .w.

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