I'll be back!

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Sooooooo uh–

The thing is, I'm going to Latvia next week, we're actually getting on the plane tomorrow (Saturday)

My three classmates and I are going along with some teachers, and this is all because I won the Erasmus competition with my shitty logo :D

We're going to different families who are taking us in for six days (because we're staying at a hotel on the first day) and I won't get into what will happen since I'll have enough space to do it in my random book; I'll just get to the point!

There's no way I can bring my laptop and tablet. And even if I do, there would be no time for me to use it since I'm gonna need to socialize because I'm representing Hungary there–

So because of that, I won't be able to make progress much, only draw traditionally and sometimes doodle on my phone, although none of that will be serious cuz' I suck at both of those

Which means after I come back, next week on Saturday, that's when I'll try to start getting my to-do list done, and there's a lot on it! TvT

And because of all of this, most things I planned on that said to-do list are gonna be uber late as well! Like the b-day gift for a friend of mine that's already late, or a gift for my other friend Add! I'd still need to make a new pfp for my close friend and an old friend of mine requested from me recently, and I really wanna do it-! Not to mention that drawing for my classmates!

And these are only the things that are important! I have tons more projects to draw!

I think it's safe to say, you're not gonna get a full art dump until I get back and I'm sorry for that ;v;

But just so this book won't die until then, have some sneak peeks of what I've drawn so far! (that I wanna show in art dumps)

But just so this book won't die until then, have some sneak peeks of what I've drawn so far! (that I wanna show in art dumps)

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Aaaand just so this chapter isn't completely useless, I also wanna do this again-!

In my last art book, somewhere in the middle, I made a chapter asking for constructive criticism on my art

And I think it's safe to say I wasn't completely hurt by the comments, more overwhelmed than anything. I got so much feedback and criticism on my art style I practically couldn't comprehend it ^^;;;

Buuut I'm bringing myself through that again! So go on, peeps! Leave some feedback and criticism down in the comments, either again or for the first time!

There are things that I'm aware of, like my lack of diversity and same-face syndrome problem, so you don't necessarily need to remind me about those-!

You can also list some things you like about my style, maybe just to make me feel a little better but, it's only optional! :D

So, while I learn the culture of Latvia, I hope some of you leave some constructive and helpful comments!

I'm counting on you beans! Thanks in advance! <333

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