Late ass chapter

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Motivation doesn't exist in this town

Really, it's been almost a month since the last art dump and I...don't really have much of an excuse besides starting on so many sketches I never finished? Seriously, I have about five unfinished drawings that I will probably never show- so that was a big waste of time :D

Anyhoo, all buildings are closed here for two weeks, I'm taking that as a good sign- Also, March 15th is coming up, and I drew nothing to commemorate it this time because honestly? Noooot very into history, especially Hungarian history

But let's talk about something that isn't history, art! Drawings! Stuff!

I have to start with the one I made my profile picture, c'mon-

My favorite simple OC, ever

My favorite simple OC, ever

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Ah, lookit him. Looking hot as alwa- I mean...he looks nice, okay?

This wasn't supposed to be a redraw of the "Skip town" drawing all of you probably know about, but there was so much empty space beside him I couldn't stop myself! I like the hands the most- actually, all the paint, in general, is my favorite part! I added that little touch on his scarf because you know me, always obsessed with tiny details quq

Don't give me too much credit for the idea, I'd love to credit the original base maker but I genuinely can't find the drawing on Pinterest to check the link or if there was a watermark qq

But I really really like how this turned out! Definitely a big improvement from how I used to draw paint on him...yikes

I won't even beat around the bush with the next one, I redesigned my persona...again .w. It feels like it's the tenth already or something, gosh! But I just didn't feel a connection with it anymore, so I decided to go with a different concept! I won't even show the one before this to compare because I know we're all bored of this

 It feels like it's the tenth already or something, gosh! But I just didn't feel a connection with it anymore, so I decided to go with a different concept! I won't even show the one before this to compare because I know we're all bored of this

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But here it is! Well...the first version =v=

You see, as much as I'd love to stick with one design and color palette, I just can't- My personality and how I envision myself can't be put into just one design, so I did a couple! This is the first one I did and I really like it! The premise is basically that his features change color depending on his outfit

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