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And I am BACK!

But not with art this time, oh no peeps! The contest is officially OVER! And I got the results right here!

...I'm not gonna lie to took me over an hour to decide on the places and I'm still not exactly happy with them-

This is the issue I have with hosting's fun and everything! But I always have a hard time picking out the places and trying not to hurt anybody's feelings! That's why there are gonna be so many ties in this one! (and also the prizes are gonna be a nightmare)

[another thing, this turned out to be almost 2700 words long because of all the feedback I gave, so if you manage to read through the whole thing, you're a legend]

If anybody has issues with the places, that's okay. Happened last time. However, if you're a random person who's friends with one of the contestants who didn't get the place you wanted them to get, don't bother.

If the contestants have an issue with the place they got, they can come and talk to me, my inbox is always open! Trust me, this happened last time, a random person I didn't even know ridiculed me for how I ran these contests and how shitty the entries above their friend's entry were.

I don't care what problem you have, if you're gonna shame people's art because your friend got below them, leave.

Sorry for the rant but before we start, I wanna say another thing, like always!

In no way did I count the quality of your entry, or your art skills in when judging. I love and adore all of them equally! I couldn't even believe it because all of you did such an AMAZING job!!

I only judge on creativity! I don't care if you're a beginner or professional artist, everyone has a different level of creativity and also different kind of creativity! Everyone uses it differently when drawing it down on paper. I hope you know that me judging you and saying your creativity has these and those flaws or whatever, is in no way trying to shame you for having your ways and showing it to the world in your own way-!

And again, please, PLEASE do not think I judged based on your skills or quality of the art piece! I know ALL of you put a bunch of effort into your entries, rushed or not! I know ALL of you poured your hearts into making the entries and had the motivation to do so!

I swear, if any of you comment "I knew I'd get this place, my art sucks" I will pull a double on you and say my art is twice as bad ( >:) ), along with showering you with love and support that you'll improve and won't think that of your art! Nobody does!

I loved everybody's entry! Thank you, all twelve of you, for joining!

And if by any chance I missed someone, like last time, please lemme know and I'll either redo the judging or make a different prize for them!

That being said, let's get to the places!

7th place (you can already tell how many ties are gonna be in this one, folks-) goes to Snowpearl43!

7th place (you can already tell how many ties are gonna be in this one, folks-) goes to Snowpearl43!

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