Contest results?

62 12 23

By the way, this is chapter 91. The hell am I gonna do once I reach a hundred? Will I even reach it? It's probably gonna take me nine more months .w. Ah, remember back when I got a chapter out in like, a few weeks without problem? Wish I could get that back, honestly

Anyway, school is starting soon, just thought I'd give an update. I'm probably gonna get even slower unless the schools close down over here. I don't get it, every other country is on lockdown and we wanna wait for the pope or some shit??

But uh, the contest ended! It ended a couple days ago, actually. It's funny, I was pretty proud of this one's theme compared to the last ones, but everyone was busy this time around, which I get. I'm not really making new friends here like I used to since I already have some close friends, and the people following me have grown up over the years with me. The older you are, the less time you have for joining contests or dicking around, I get that!

Three people joined. Ultimately, it made my job easier, and I don't have to feel bad about some people not getting a prize! Oh, and if I somehow missed one, I never got it in my DMs, so really sorry! Oh! And Add's my co-judge this time, I'll include his thoughts about each entry too!

Let's go from third place to first place, shall we?

And keep in mind; I feel like I have to say this each time I judge entries, I loved all of them! I felt more comfortable judging them this time since the three people that joined are close friends though! Each of them was unique and amazing in its own way and I'll cherish them!

Let's go from third place to first place, shall we?

3rd place; PolychromePositivity

3rd place; PolychromePositivity

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My thoughts;

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My thoughts;

Lemme start off by saying I absolutely adore the idea behind this. I love how you went out of your way to do full backgrounds and some pretty shading even though you didn't have to, and the results are stunning! But, of course, I don't judge based on quality, so let's talk about the creativity aspects!

I love the comfort theme. It's portrayed very soothingly, calmly, almost looks like it could be in a child's book, if that makes sense? I adore the expressions and the idea that in a relationship, sometimes one is usually the comforting type and they rarely switch. However, and I dunno if you were aware of this, but Nala's usually the comforting type. He's an optimistic, genuine sweetheart who anyone can vent to, and boy, does Shae vent a lot!

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