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How are you beans doing on this lovely evening/morning/whatever else? :>

I have some tutorials in screenshots for DemonGirlfromHellLuna_Katsuko (even tho it's late I know) and any of you, if it helps or you've been wondering about layers or shading/lighting tactics!

I got you covered! That is if these screenshots make sense ._.''

For the first one, the layer one, I'm using my contest entry!

For the first one, the layer one, I'm using my contest entry!

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So, as you can tell, this is the finished picture x)

The layers at the top which aren't showing are where I put the reference pictures, either drawings that I made or drawings from other people!

We'll go from bottom to top, okay? So this isn't exactly the order you have to go in when drawing a picture, but I think it'll show xD

So, this is the basic sketch, usually what I start with! Just drawing out how I want the characters on the picture, what I want them to do, etc

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So, this is the basic sketch, usually what I start with! Just drawing out how I want the characters on the picture, what I want them to do, etc.

This is the refined sketch! The reason it's in so many layers is because I wanted it to be super clean for the lineart, it can be in one or two layers tho!

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This is the refined sketch! The reason it's in so many layers is because I wanted it to be super clean for the lineart, it can be in one or two layers tho!

The opacity on these sketches are lowered simply so I could see the lineart when I got to it

Obviously, both these sketches are optional! I've seen artists who only need a basic sketch before the lineart (props to those, man) and some who just jump straight to the refined sketch! (I commend those for that too-)

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