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Chapter 69, let's go bois-

[Insert clever introduction here], ey peeps! I'm back once more, lots of stuff is happening, so before I get to the point of this chapter, lemme just say-

》 5 or 4 more days until I celebrate my existing day, cool-

》I go to English and (future) German lessons now, so don't expect me to be on much

》Emotionally drained and nervous about prizes, as always-

But I don't think there's anything else that's noteworthy and should be mentioned, soooo! quq

I won't even drag this on for so long this time, let's just get to the point!

I just want all of you to know that my co-judge (forceRayz) and I loved each and every single one of your entries equally. The last thing we wanted to do was to cherry-pick, to value one entry over another, nothing like that! This contest is merely a way for you guys to have fun, an outlet for me to give some feedback (whether it be praise or criticism), and for all of you to improve your skills and just, practice! Because even if it is a contest, I don't want it to be a race, I don't want it to be competitive quq

You all did phenomenally. Just wanna say that. And if anyone genuinely has a problem with their entry, or are upset, my PMs are always open ♡

Force and I spent 2 hours judging and making the places, and an additional hour writing our final thoughts about each entry. But I just wanna say, thank you, all 11 of you, for joining!

So, let's get to it, shall we?

9th place



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Your art style is super adorable, I could stare at it for ages! I don't see those line eyes very often and it makes your art more distinct and unique, I'm definitely a fan! I do wonder where Sira and Andell's wings are, although they could be fold...

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Your art style is super adorable, I could stare at it for ages! I don't see those line eyes very often and it makes your art more distinct and unique, I'm definitely a fan! I do wonder where Sira and Andell's wings are, although they could be folded under the desk somehow-- not the point! This is a super cute entry and I really, really like it quq

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