Complete Insanity

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Reason for the title?'s kind of the theme of this chapter-

There's gonna be a lot of craziness in here! That and, well, insanity!

You'll see =v=

First off, Imma start with the most important thing, to me at least

So, some of you may or may not know, but tomorrow (20th) is a special bean's birthday...

And I remembered because that's the exact same day the fireworks in my country go up because of the thing we celebrate on that day...

I've been planning something for a while, and I wanted to make this extra special for this extra special person!

...Which is forceRayz!

Before I show the birthday present I made you, (which isn't the best in the whole universe, spoilers) I wanna leave you a message

Just, thank you. 

Thank you for all the times you've been there for me, all the times you comforted me and basically, hah, let me use you as a person to vent and rant to, because damn, we agree on a lot, I learned!

We've been friends for over a year now and it's one of the best things that happened in my life. I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything, nothing. When I'd be down, you'd be the sunshine to brighten up my life. We talk almost daily, and I never think it wastes time. Because every minute I spend talking to you is worth it.

I fucking love you. You're my dearest and closest friend and I cannot express how lucky I feel for meeting you. It almost feels like yesterday when we first spoke, you wished me luck because of someone using my art as their background without my permission, and ah...our first art trade, where I drew Neflin for you. I believe you drew Nala? I still have it in a folder, he looks so grumpy and I love it

But, really, I can't put it in words how much you mean to me, Force. You're a true angel, always positive and funny and supportive...It's really something else <3333

So! You'd think after a wholesome and happy message like that the gift would follow the same aesthetic, huh?

Well, uh, NOPE.

Instead, have something slightly creepy I worked on all day, and heh, maybe you'll see what I meant by insanity earlier!

Instead, have something slightly creepy I worked on all day, and heh, maybe you'll see what I meant by insanity earlier!

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I know, the stupid words you always say completely throw things off xD

Also, I am aware that Patrick looks terrible, and to be honest I have no idea how I did that! He looks like goop, and I couldn't fix it :c

But uhhhh yeah I picked four random characters, the smol boi, Tali, Heartbreak, and Dante, along with your three worm friends, Wormy, Wormen, and Bob! 

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