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Yikes, sorry for the shouting quq;;;

But I'm back with another contest! Heck, this is the fourth one? I would say that's a lot but I've seen so many people do way more, so!

Anyway, yeah! I finally found a theme I thought would be nice for this one!

So far, we had video game world crossovers, LGBT cuteness, and Seven Deadly Sin tropes! Now, we have something different! Something more wholesome and...weird?

Oh yeah! The theme is Wacky Quarantine!

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Oh yeah! The theme is Wacky Quarantine!

All of us have experienced the quarantine life and I'm sure we can all agree, it got pretty boring from time to time!

So the theme basically is, draw mine and your OC (or multiple) doing something fun in quarantine! (Please note, if you're gonna do crack ships, please consider the sexuality, age, and gender of any of my OCs)

I want to visualize what I don't want to see;

I want to visualize what I don't want to see;

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And what I do want to see! 

(apologies for the super bad quality)

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(apologies for the super bad quality)

I think this is the perfect contest to boost your creativity and put it to use! You can draw the characters doing all kinds of wacky stuff, even multiple things for one entry! Whether it be Bungy jumping from a roof, to making puppets out of pillows, to even having a pet dress-up competition! Go wild!

Particularly Uninspiring (Artbook #2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu