I didn't forget this book-

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I swear, I haven't been dead and I haven't forgotten this website exists!

In a nutshell, I've been insanely busy. Like "having-no-time-to-do-anything-else" busy. May is pretty much the worst month of the year in my book because every teacher goes "We have to finish these last few topics" and then come the weekly tests. That and I was stressing over finishing a video for media class and I definitely bit more than I could chew with that project. And I also had some really serious personal issues. But I'm back and only have a few stressful weeks left before summer break!

I know it's been three months. Goes to show how little time I really had to draw anything- I finally have enough pictures though, as well as enough time to post this art dump! I hope-

Side note, we're close to a hundred chapters, so that's pretty neat

So without further ado, let's begin! Starting with a birthday gift for the one and only Addxiety!

Not gonna lie, I really went all out this year, mainly because I didn't get to do one last year! Was it a lot of work? Yes, but it was SO worth it! And it was a ton of fun!

Not gonna lie, I really went all out this year, mainly because I didn't get to do one last year! Was it a lot of work? Yes, but it was SO worth it! And it was a ton of fun!

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We have Add's persona in the middle! Don't judge me I love drawing em-

Then we have Urei in the bottom left corner! He was so much friggin fun to do, I can see why you like drawing him so much! Though his outfit gave me some trouble- But I'm proud of it, especially the pose! In fact, I didn't use references for any of the poses in this drawing whatsoever! Which is rare, so I'm happy with myself :D

The next character you may recognize in the top left corner is actually Add's Minecraft skin. It's Kokichi as a phantom! Yeah, I know Danganronpa stuff now- Not a lot, but enough to recognize certain elements and like 60% of the games' characters. I blame Add for all of this-

Next is Eunoia, looking pretty as always! Probably the easiest out of them all, though I did give him some nice soles! And his tail is so f l u f f y

And last, probably my favorite; Aomo! I absolutely adore his new design as a Moth Butterfly and the pose I drew him in makes him look so precious! I love him qq

Continuing with stuff for Add, I guess it's time to talk about some edgy boys! First, this bastard

Continuing with stuff for Add, I guess it's time to talk about some edgy boys! First, this bastard

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