Chapter 29

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The moment he saw Gulf with his unbelievably hot naked figure, Mew knew tonight was going to get hard and long for him. At least, his junior had gotten hard the moment his eyes landed on Gulf chocolate skin in the darkness. But he knew, doing it was not on his agenda. He had promised himself not to have any sexual encounter again with Gulf after the pain he gave to the younger guy for their first time. Even though Gulf was making him getting a boner in the middle of the night, Mew was sticking by his principle.

"P' Mew..." He heard Gulf softly whined when his drunk ass couldn't find the way to his Phi without the light in the room. So Mew got up from the bed and dared himself to walk closer to the younger one.

"What are you doing, Gulf?" He asked, trying to be as nonchalant and calm as possible. His eyes were focusing on Gulf's upper body since Mew didn't dare to look lower.

Gulf giggled stupidly as soon as he heard P' Mew's voice. "Hehehe, P' Mew is heeeereeeee~" He hurriedly leaned himself to the older guy, unconsciously making things hard for Mew.

"Why are you here?" Mew knew he was as stupid as a drunk person right now for trying to converse with a drunk Gulf at the moment.

Gulf pouted cutely, again, there was a desire in Mew to suck on those plump lips but he held himself better. "I miss you, Phi. Don't you miss me too?" Gulf asked as he leaned the weight of him on Mew by wrapping his arms around Mew's neck. "We haven't been sleeping together for a loooooong time... It's getting lonely." Gulf said truthfully, causing a heart attack for the other guy.

After dropping the bomb like that, Gulf was not done yet, he made it harder for Mew by squirming in Mew's embrace, rubbing his unclothed length with Mew's down there. "Fuck." Mew wasn't someone to curse profanities, but Gulf had made him one.

Mew was acting nonchalant after taking a deep breath. He then carried Gulf to sleep on his bed. Mew was going to take some clothes to put on the other guy, but Gulf had pulled him until he crashed his body upon Gulf's.

"Gulf..." Mew tried to release himself from Gulf, but the other guy only tightened his arms around Mew.

So the older guy admitted his defeat and let Gulf hugged him. Mew would be lying if he wasn't getting affected by the fact that Gulf was sleeping nakedly next to him. Mew thought Gulf  already dived back to his slumber, but he was proven wrong when the younger guy squirmed against him. "P' Mew.." Gulf's hoarse voice called Mew once again, which only got replied by a  hum from Mew.

"Can I kiss you?" Mew was shocked hearing Gulf's question, but he was even more shocked by the fact that Gulf asked for permission first when he was not even sober. Mew was going to refuse because he knew he couldn't resist Gulf anymore if Gulf's soft lips touched his. But Gulf wasn't the one to surrender even in his drunk state. "P' Mew.. please?" He pleaded, making Mew's heart wrenched.

The older guy gulped down his saliva before he nodded weakly, once again letting Gulf did as he wanted. To his surprise, Gulf kissed him in gently, not trying to invade his tongue in Mew's cavern. The way he kissed Mew slowly burned the older guy, pushing Mew to the brink of hell that tasted heavenly.

After a few moments that felt like forever to Mew, Gulf finally pulled away and made a string of saliva connected them instead of their own lips. "Phi..." Gulf moaned out lowly, it was not hard to see how aroused Gulf was. The boy was fully naked, his erection was shown uncensored.

"We can't do this, Gulf." Mew warned the other guy, since the circumstances they were in wasn't something that Mew would call ideal to do that.

"Why?" The younger boy whined. He made circles on Mew's chest, making it hard for Mew to resist.

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