Chapter 12

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Gulf didn't remember how he ended up sleeping on the same bed as Mew and having the older guy wrapping him with his veiny arms, but he remembered he was nursing the other guy since Mew was having a fever last night. The boy thought he was falling asleep on the chair that he placed by Mew's bed, but to his surprise, he found himself was already nestling on Mew's figure when the morning came.

When his co-star told him that he had another person he liked and it wasn't Art, made Gulf realized that he started to get attracted to Mew. It was more than what he thought the way he looked up to Mew as the senior in the acting field. He adored Mew more than a brilliant actor that he was. He liked Mew as a person that he was. And it already past platonic bu the time he realized it.

Doomed. It was the first thought that crossed his mind when it finally dawned to him that he had a crush to his co-star. Was this how Mew felt towards Art back then?

No, no, no. You should stop comparing the relationship you have with P' Mew with theirs, Gulf. He scolded himself inwardly while taking care of the other guy who was high on fever last night.

Now, Gulf needed to get out of bed. He really needed to, before Mew could feel his growing boner down there. Gulf sighed as he slowly and carefully squirmed out of Mew's snaking arms.

They had been sleeping together on the same bed for months now, feeling nervous about it right after 3 months was kind of stupid.

The boy wasn't careful enough when he tried to get out of the older guy cuddle, causing Mew to wake up from his deep slumber. "P' Gulf...?" Gulf heard the hoarse voice which belonged to Mew called out his name.

Gulf smacked himself mentally because he woke up the other guy, even though Mew could have a longer sleep before they started their filming. The older guy was sick and all Gulf did was causing Mew losing his sleep.

"I'm sorry I wake you up.." Gulf guiltily mumbled, making the older guy chuckled in delight. Instead of scolding or protesting or whatever Mew should have done to him, the younger male felt his co-star pulling him into his chest once again, rendering all the hardwork he'd done to remove Mew's snaking limbs came in vain.

"P'.. I need to get up." He told the other guy when Mew seemed unbothered hugging this close. If Gulf was still his old self where he wasn't conscious of his own feelings, the boy would have happily stayed like that for the whole day.

But it was different now that he had acknowledged the feelings he harbored towards his co-star. And hiding his boner from the older guy was getting harder since their limbs were tangled.

"Why..? We wouldn't start until 9, Gulf. It's only 6 in the morning I believe. We should rest some more." Mew said while comfortably having his eyes closed and resting his head on the top of Gulf's head.

However, Gulf was persistent to pull out from the other guy, "I-I will sleep on my bed then. You need to rest, P'.. And I'm making it cramped." He reasoned out.

Mew chuckled again, leaned off to show his cheeky grin to the younger one, "Why? You used to find my laps so you could sleep on them whenever you've got a chance." He teased.

Gulf admitted that the older guy wasn't wrong saying that. The boy just needed to change that habit since he was now too aware of his own feelings. Everything was so easy when he hadn't come to realize the feelings he had. Back then, he only knew that he found Mew was his comfort zone. He still was, but Gulf needed to put some distance between them before Mew realized how dirty-minded this Nong was.

"...Yeah, but it's cramped.." Gulf reasoned out. It was such a lame excuse since the single bed was spacious enough for them to cuddle, but his heart and boner would combust if this lasted longer.

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