Chapter 2

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The crew of TharnType the series had just announced the casts for each character. As Mew had predicted since he left the auditioning room, he got to play as Tharn instead of as the character he was initially auditioning for, P' San. Another actor got that role, he was quite charming too, Mew believed the character of P' San suited him very well.

Mew Suppasit then glanced over the golden skinned boy who played as Type and made him succeeded in securing Tharn role in his hands. That kid was quietly sitting at the corner, making a phone call and ignoring anyone around him. As far as he remembered, that guy was introduced as Gulf by P' Mame a while ago.

His eyes had been lingering on that particular boy when one of his fans called him, "N' Mew, could you please ask him to take a picture with you?"

Mew was a bit dumbfounded and didn't catch what he was implying, "Huh?"

"That dark skinned boy! He's the one who is gonna play Type role, right?" She chirped in.

The pale actor nodded in confirmation. That was true, the crew announced that he was going to play with that guy. It meant that he was going to dedicate his time to practice with Gulf.

"We want to commemorate this event, Mew. Please ask the 064 boy to pose with you.." Another older girl said while carrying her camera. She was the fan who managed a fansite dedicated to Mew.

The tall guy saw how his fans were pleading him to call that boy so they could pose for them. He didn't think that guy would like it since Gulf seemed quiet and untouchable. But somehow, they were going to work for a project together, of course, they had to make it work, right? Moreover, the fact that they had to play as lovers in the series.

With that dedication in mind, Mew then went to approach his co-star. "Hey.." He called Gulf from behind softly, making the other guy looked up to his tall figure, "Mind if you take some pictures with me? They want us to pose for a picture.." Mew raised his hand to point at his fans behind him.

Gulf blinked and slowly peeked at the crowd which was looking at them both in much anticipation. They witnessed how the girls were going crazy over his attention. The boy felt his cheeks heated up since he had never got this much attention at one time. "So?" The pale guy asked him once again, and Gulf realized he could not avoid this thing since he was going to play in a series. He had to start getting used to this attention. So, with his determination, Gulf nodded and followed the actor from behind.

The crowd was exclaiming their adoration when the two tall men walked to their direction. The blitz from their cameras flashed rapidly, blinding the new guy who was never under such spotlight.

"Awh, so cute!"
"064, what's your name?"
"How old are you, 064?"
"Can you introduce yourself?"

Mew Suppasit's fans were throwing him questions after questions, Gulf didn't know which to answer first. His flushed face was an apparent evident to Mew that the boy was a shy person and he was overwhelmed by the questions his fans had just given to him. The pale guy pursed his lips to hold his smile as he went to help Gulf handling the situation.

He tapped on Gulf's shoulder and leaned in to whisper, "Relax, Gulf." His baritone voice rang into Gulf's hearing. Instead of getting his heart rate going down, Mew did the otherwise. He was turning a few shades darker than he already was. The pale guy raised his thick brows as he witnessed how the younger male getting shyer because of him.

Mew then decided to drape his arms around Gulf's wide shoulders, even though, they were not as wide as his, "His name is Gulf.." He started to introduce the new young actor to his fans.

"What's his full name?" The girl with glasses giggled while stretching out her hand to record them with his phone.

"What's your full name, Gulf?" He asked the other guy in his arm as if Gulf could not hear the question the girl had just asked.

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