Chapter 4

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At this point, I wonder if people read this story..
Because the number of reads is much less than my other MewGulf books.
Maybe you guys find this story boring...
But I'm enjoying the slow development between them and how my imagination about them behind the camera would be.

So I will keep writing this story to entertain myself :) Anyone who finds this enjoyable is welcome too!


"Owh, you've got a nice condo, P'," The dark skinned boy who followed after Mew commented as soon as they both stepped into the room.

They went back to the older male's apartment after they had the basil and pork stir-fried nearby for dinner. Gulf suggested them to spend the night together and Mew still thought this happened a lot sooner than he expected.

The newcomer actor really wanted to do his debut right. He wanted to explore the things between them in order to build their own chemistry. Gulf had to put aside his nervouseness and shyness if he wanted to develop his acting skill. That's why he needed Mew Suppasit's guidance to achieve his goal.

"You will be able to afford this kind of thing soon, Gulf." Mew chuckled and went to the spacious kitchen right away. He opened the fridge and took a beer can for him. Mew then sipped it and offered the other guy, "Do you want some?"

The boy who was scanning the room turned his head to give the owner of this unit his attention. "Ah.. I think I need that." He nodded as he walked closer to Mew.

The older guy passed him the beer and Gulf took a sip right away. He looked at the older one who was drinking his own beer when a question suddenly popped on his mind, "What did you do to build the chemistry with your previous partner, P'?"

That question had caused Mew coughing badly since he choked on the beer he was taking. Was this how Gulf acted around the person he found comfortable with? It should be a good development since his initial plan was to make the boy comfortable with him. However, Mew wondered if he would ever get used to Gulf's bluntness.

"Are you okay?" Gulf patted his upper back, trying to help Mew getting better.

The pale guy nodded weakly and raised his own hand to gesture Gulf to stop stroking his back. He needed to calm down and Gulf touching him was not making his attempt easier.

"...You watched our video?" Mew guessed since the question the younger man just asked him was a hint that Gulf had watched the videos of him and Art.

"Well... not all of them.. But, yeah, I've watched some.." Gulf confirmed Mew's guts, "They look... believable, somehow..."

Mew scoffed in mockery, "Of course, we were good at faking things." All of them was a lie in the end, no matter how sincere his actions were, people would still think that they were lying to them.

Honestly, he still wondered why his fans didn't leave him at all when their idol didn't meet their expectation and all he did was letting them down.

The sarcasm Mew just blurted had rendered Gulf speechless. He regretted his insensitive ass for bringing up the older male's past just like that. It was so inconsiderate of him to open up a scar Mew wanted to bury deep within.

"I'm sorry, P'... I shouldn't have said such things. Sorry for being rude.." The boy lowered down his head as he regretted his own action. He wanted to build a strong chemistry like Mew had with his partner in the past, Gulf was so eager to learn that he forgot how bad the things ended between them.

On the other hand, Mew knew that it was not Gulf's intention to bring up his past. He didn't want to misunderstand Gulf's pure intention like this, but somehow Mew still felt a pang in his chest whenever he recalled his past events.

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