part 36

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chases pov
i glanced up at the clock to see it was around 8:30pm and it had been two hours since the house all came into visit in the room. i yawned surprisingly i was tired. i usually didn't sleep until almost 4am if i was lucky. i've always had hard time sleeping,lead alone being tired and wanting to sleep.i assumed thomas noticed as he wrapped up the visit. "i think visiting hours are almost over guys and chase needs some sleep,yall ready to go?" they all nodded as they left the room all except thomas and charli. "chase do you want one of us to stay with you since we're only aloud to have one?" i did,so bad. i didn't want to be alone,i wanted it to be charli. it felt like o haven't seen her jn ages. but i didn't say that because i didn't want to force charli to stay or make thomas feel like i didn't like him.obviously i did but i don't know i just wanted charli. i shrugged hoping this would be one of the times he read me like a book and see through my lies. thank god he did "charles do want to?" she nodded quickly smiling. i mentally let out a exhale. thank god. a few minutes later after thomas and the house had left for the night the nurse came in. "how you feeling?" i nodded "good?..." i didn't know what to feel. i wasn't sad,or happy? "so chase we have a few medications for you to take..." she said giving me a cup with 3 pills in it. i nodded while taking them and taking a drink of my cup of water on the table beside me. "as a nurse i do have to tell you what they are,two are both anti-depressants which um" i could tell she was nervous and not sure what to say. she glanced at charli and charli gave her a look of 'please not now' kind of vibe. what was happening?i wasnt sad right?what are they hiding? "another doctor will fill you in on that stuff in a few days when your body recovers." i nodded as i couldn't exactly protest otherwise and didn't want to ask qeustions and scare charli who was sitting beside me. "the third is a pain killer as your body is healing and recovering,and would be painful if you wernt" she chuckled lightly trying to keep the mood light. i nodded "visiting hours are over,i assume your spending the night with hudson here?" she smiled looking at charli. charli nodded and thanked the soon as the nurse left i instantly looked to charli. "char..." she nodded and smiled "yeah?..."all i wanted was her.was to cuddle.feel her in my arms. "can you please cuddle?" she sighed "chase,i don't know if that's a good idea your body-" i gave her a pleading look. please charli is all i could mentally repeat to myself "please." i said hoping she'd cave. "okay,but if your in any pain-" i nodded "yes i will tell you" she giggled while i pulled the covers over her after she laid on the hospital bed next to me. i wrapped my arms around her. she closed her eyes but was still awake. "chase..." "hmm" she sighed "i'm glad your okay.." i smiled. she made me go insane "i love you...but char,what happened?" i could feel her tense. as she turned facing me now looking up at me as she ran a finger along my jawline back and fourth admiring it. "chase you tried to kill yourself..." did i?why?i don't feel anything?i don't remeber. "i did?i don't,i don't know i don't feel like i want to...i don't remeber" i was starting to panic.what did i do?how did i?all i could think about was trying to remeber it.that day,how long ago?how long have a i been here?charli must've noticed my breathing picking up "chase...CHASE!relax your okay baby" i exhaled. "it just seems so over whelming thinking about it,i don't remeber it or when or how or-"she cut me off by kissing my lips. "don't think about it okay" i nodded agreeing. "i love you" she smiled looking into my eyes "i love you more chase" with that her breathing level out and so mine did as followed,as my tiredness took over.

charlis pov
i yawned being awoke from a clicking nose. i sat up rubbing my eyes. what the heck? my vision cleared as i saw all our friends/hype house members grinning and laughing attempting to not make noise. i saw kover standing by the bed right beside me with her ohone held above us. "NOOO i only got one picture you guys were sleeping adorablyyyy" she whined. i couldn't help but blush while looking down at a sleep chase beside me.i could feel his arms still wrapped around my waist. i sat up fully leaning on the pillows still letting his hands drape around my waist.i played with his hair while talking to the house. "so how was it?" thomas said still concerned for him. "he doesn't remeber anything,said he feels fine,but i think it's because of the anti-deppresents. i don't think we should talk or bring it up yet at all though because after the nurse left he asked me what happened and when i told him he started to panic saying he couldn't remeber," thomas nodded. i quickly notice calvin nor ryland was there. "hey where's calvin n ryland?meeting?" the house went dead silent. until mia looked around then at me "though calvin and ryland been seem to be taking this okay,i guess it's affected them more then we thought,they haven't left their rooms or eaten,and if we do see them it's a "how's chase?"" i nodded "oh..."  alex chimed in "i talked to ryland and calvin this morning (we're gonna pretend they share a room) both of them broke down,said they..." he looked at chase to assure he was asleep "could bare to see chase like that...or think about how or what he was thinking when he you know tried..." i nodded "it's hard...but he doesn't understand,so it's hard to express to him and talk about it" i said. i looked down at the sleeping boy

oh chase hudson you will be the absolute death of me

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