part 29

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if you have any ideas for upcoming chapters n such drop them in the comments:)can be as little or as big as u want!i have a few myself but i do wanna include ur guys ideas:)
i've had this in my drafts/unpublished all day scared for what people will think...but here goes nothing ig.

chases pov:
we ate dinner together and talk the whole time just about our lives and social media and such."i've missed you" she giggled "i've been with you for the past couple weeks" she smirked confused "well when you wernt here,or in the hospital" she frowned "i miss you a lot more then you'll know." i shrugged.i don't think she really knows how much i love her. "chase" she said looking up at me "are you okay?" i nodded.where was this coming from?why wouldn't i be? i nodded "yeah why wouldn't i be?" she shrugged "just worried about" i knew what she was talking about and to be honest i was feeling a lot better lately. i think not only is that because of charli but because i've taken a small break from social media.i've never really noticed how much hate and drama like that can effect people until i was a influencer.thought i still have many moments where it's all just tempting to end it,i could never say that to anyone.i knew it was selfish.she smiled "i'm okay char" i smiled reassuring squeezing her hand gently since we were holding hands. we finished our food and even though charli tried her hardest to pay,i still paid for it because at the end of the day no matter if it's my birthday or shes my girlfriend and i should take her out,not the other way around. As soon as we got outside the restaurant i stopping and wrapped my arms around her. she instantly started giggling "i love you" she pulled a bit away from so she could stand on her tippy toes and kiss me.i smiled kissing back. "ready to go home" i smiled as she nodded and we made our way to the car.i glanced over at charli a couple times to see her staring out the window with a wide grin. i looked at her suspiciously "everything alright?" i chuckled she nodded and shrugged "just glad to be with you" i could tell there was more to it but i just shrugged it off.not even a minute later her phone went off.from the corner of my eye i watched her quickly turn her phone screen away. weird.not that it mattered,whatever it is is her business but she never intentionally hides stuff from me.we pulled in the drive way and charli was basically running out of the car to me in a hurry to go inside. what if the text was from a hype house meme her,what if she's chea-charli wouldn't do that. i'm just being paranoid.Cynthia cheated on me,but charli isn't cynthia and isn't anything near Cynthia. u was pulled out my thoughts by a large crowd screaming "Happy Birthday Chase!"as soon as charli opened the door.surprise party. why was i so stupid of course they were. i couldn't help but smile.i truly had friends who loved me and i loved them. i instantly walk over and thanked and greeted someone people. People instantly started giving me gifts.don't get me wrong i'm thankful for gifts and such,but i really didn't deserve them. they didn't need to give stuff to me.I heard the room once again fill with voices as everyone which has to be close to 1000 people singing happy birthday,i smiled watching thomas and charli bring out a cake and waking towards me.i smiled and watched as they brought a mostly purple with black details and "HAPPY 18TH CHASE" written in black icing. i smiled and blew out the candles at the end.i was truly happy. "happy birthday buddy" i grinned "thanks"

—-time passes by an hour everyone mostly was outside eating or drinking or inside playing games—-

chases pov
i walked outside to see charli sitting alone on a lawn chair watching was strange,charli was never 'alone' usually she was swimming or talking with avani or eating at parties. i walked over.she looked sad,upset. "hey baby?" i said smiling crouching down to her level.she smiled softly. "char what's in your mind?" she shook her head. "cynthias here." she muttered. oh god.i could only imagine what dumb shit cynthia has said or done. "baby,what happened?" i could tell charli was about to cry. i frowned sad that she was sad. tears were forming in her eyes. "shes right..." i was confused. right for what?what did she say? "charli,right at what?for what?" she wiped her eyes and leaned into me starting to cry. i gentley rubbed her back and played with her hair. "baby girl?" i could feel her cheeks get red and a small smile approach her face but quickly disappeared when she wiped her eyes.she pulled away slightingly while looking at me. "chase...y-your going to find someone better then me...a-and someone y-your age-age" she said through tears. of course cylvia said that. no fucking doubt.she doesn't get to go around hurting people. "charli,no i promise you it's you. i love you. there isn't anyone better or anyone i want beside you." she smiled and nodded "why does she have to be here?" i shrugged "she doesn't" i said standing up and holding my hand out for charli to grab as we started walking around looking for cynthia. we ended up running into thomas though. "oh hey you two- i didn't walk jnto what's about-" i went wide eyed "no thomas" i said while chuckling. i could see charli blushing from the corner of my eye "cylvias here" i said sternly. "n she's not exactly being an okay party guest" thomas nodded "i'll go deal with that you guys can..." he said smirking "oh god thomas that's not what we were doing"thomas chuckled "yeah that's what they all say" i rolled my eyes grinning as he walked aoff to go deal with cylvia. at this point me and charli headed back out to the pool and decided to go swimming with avani and calvin

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