part 23

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chases pov
i watched as avani and charli sat on the couch talking as charli ate her soup. I was in the kitchen talking to Thomas. "so how's it go hudson" i shrugged.Im not really sure to be honest i mean i'm good i guess but i know if i said i guess or i don't know Thomas would get worried. "good" he nodded "you? he shrugged "good,me and mia are i'm a fight though,but i'm sure by tonight it'll be okay" it's rare  to find mia and Thomas in a fight. They're the type of couple that always seems to be happy and never have bad sides.I knew i was wrong because everybody goes through things but i guess they were a lot more private then others,but i guess that what works for them since they've been together for over a year. I've never really said them get jealous or so affectionate. I mean yeah they have they're cute insta couple photos,and holding hands and sitting together but i mean you wouldn't really know their a couple if it wasn't for social media. Though thomas does 'protect' mia when it comes to it. I used to care about how people saw me in relationships. I didn't want to be known as clingy or obsessive but as soon as i met charli,i couldn't really help it. Although everyone says i'm not clingy sometimes i feel like i am. "eh sorry to hear" he shrugged and patted my shoulder "not you fault" i nodded.There isn't a whole lot i could say,mainly because like i said their very private and weather you asked or didn't,Thomas probably would share why they were fighting. "hey huddy,petrou" "hey avani" thomas grinned "anything planned for tonight" thomas shrugged which gave it away right away that he had some plans with mia. "oh god petrou don't be loud" i burst out laughing after avani said that. Thomas just smirked and shrugged "keep talking and it'll be louder" i rolled my eyes playfully knowing he meant it and would prove it. "have you n charli?" Thomas looked at me. I shook my head no,and that was the truth.Im fact charli even said at the truth or dare game she was a virgin and so was i. "you plan on?-" i could tell Thomas was genuinely curious. "to be honest when charlis ready,so am i" Thomas smirked "ahhh huddy not wanna fuck damilio" i tried to hide my smile in " when charlis ready." i said. As much as everyone thinks i'm a fuck boy and careless,i want charli to be ready. I don't want to rush anything. Avani tolled her eyes "horny weirdos" i went wide eyed and put on a jokingly shocked face "Hey i was the one keeping it clean" she laughed "in your dreams huddy,we all know you've thought about it" i went red. "like you and anothy havent" she laughed "oh we have but atleast i'll admit that i've thought about it and DONE IT" i put up my hand and a jokingly disgust face "grosss i didn't need the details" she smirked "oh shut up" thomas:"anyways"
i laughed "ANYWAYS,how's char?" avani grinned. "it's cute when you call her char" i went red.I know i call her it but sometime i don't even mean to it just kinda comes out. "how is she?"avani laughed "she's good,kinda seems sad but i don't really know for certain" i nodded "sad?" she looked at me "sad???maybe glum,bloomy,probably just because she's stuck on bed rest for a bit." fair enough.Charlis constantly always up making tiktoks or on walks
or swimming so i could see why she didn't wanna be in bed rest 24/7 for the next week,but wasn't much i could do.

authors note:)
sorry these last couple chapters suck i'm at school so my brain is not functioning. More updates tonight tho:)

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