part 14

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chases pov:
i smiled as thomas made a joke about the hype hours being lonely.I looked down to see my arm wrapped around a sleeping charli. I smiled.Shes adorable. Right then the hospital room door opened quickly to revea a police officer walking in with papers. "is there a chase hudson here?" i sighed.I completely forgot about the drama and fight back at the party. I stood up carefully trying not to wake or hurt charli. "me" i whispered nervously. He nodded. "Well need to take you to the station,bryce hall and josh richards  are already there" i nodded but did not plan on going. Right now?Of all times,now?Charli needs me and i need her.She just go out of surgery a couple hours ago do they not get that she could die any time if her body suddenly couldn't take the healing. I sighed angrily. "come with me!" he said turning around and leading me out.I looked at all the hype house members. alex:"well tell charli,just try and get it sorted out okay?thomas will do down to the station after charli wakes up,just try your best to get it sorted out." i nodded.That was probably the best thing to do was just to go and get it sorted out and come back to charli.With that i followed the officer out and into the car,anxiously fiddling my fingers in the back seat,dreading and waiting on what was about to happen when we got to the station.

later at the station //some language

bryces pov:(switching it up;)
I hated him.Chase hudson,"lil huddy" ,"lil hoodie",chopstick boy,emo god,cole hudson, how ever the fuck people referred to him now,that guy is fucking insane.It was funny to see him shiver as the officer lead him into the room josh and i were sitting at.I smirked at him but was glancing at him so only he could see and no officers. "I want him charged" josh said angrily.We didn't actually care but anything we could do to ruin chases fame was what we were gonna make happen.chases rolled his eyes. "calm down richards" the police officer snarled.You could tell he was irritated with having to put up stupid teen drama like this. I didn't care what he thought or felt about it. I was going to ruin chopstick boys career and that was that.

chases pov
i sat down at a table at the police station across from bryce and josh.We gave statements in what happend,well atleast i did josh and bryce just sat there blaming me and complaining and telling them to throw me in a cell. Finally 2p minutes later a second officer came in and whispered thin to the first officer.
officer one:boys,we can either let all of you off on a warning or,we could take this to court

josh was about to pipe in before officer two cut him off

officer 2:if either one of you'd decided to take this to court all of you would probably end up with a charge since all of you laid hands on another,so i'd suggest you take this as a warning,get up and respectfully and responsibly walk out like the young gentleman's you are.

he smiled at us as i nodded sighing before walking out to see thomas standing in the front office. He quickly walked over to me and patted my shoulder. "they told me everything,they wouldn't let me see you though,any news?" i shrugged "letting us off with a warning" he went confuse and chuckled "you'd think bryce and josh would want you charged" i nodded and laughed "they did but since their 'self defense' claim didn't exactly line up,they said if one wanted to charge me i could charge them back,so they left it at a warning" he nodded. "ugh...c-charlis awake" i smiled weakly "is she okay?" he nodded "just missing you" he laughed. i smiled knowing she was okay. We both got in thomas's car before driving back to the hospital.I couldn't say this was the best of scenarios for tonight,but ended up working out better then the absolute worst,and i was thankful for that.

CHARLIXCHASEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora