part 5

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charlis pov
I heard light tapping on my door "come in" i saw the door open and chase came in quietly shutting the door behind him "hey you" he smiled sitting on the bed "what happened to your arm?" i quickly  covered the bandage with my other hand feeling insecure. "eh nothing important..." i lied. it was eating me up inside but i knew i was just over reacting. "char..." i huffed "some stupid guy" i mumbled.he frowned and hugged me "are you okay?" i giggled "now i am.."
I could feel his lips form a smile on the top of my head. "i'm just not used to it" i chuckled sadly. "i get it baby,i'm sorry that happened if i knew who he was i'd beat his ass" i pulled away grinning "baby?" he blushed. "ugh-i mean charls" i frowned. He shook his head and smiled "baby..." he pulled me in and we laid down cuddling and we quickly fell asleep.

avanis pov:
"Chase and charli have been up there a while lesss go see what there up to guysss" they all agreed and excitedly ran up the stairs.
mia:"CHASEE CH-" everyone quickly piled in the room about to yell for them mia-"shuddupp theyre sleeeepinggf and being cuties" thomas smiled and quietly walked over to the edge of the bed and took a picture. "now shoe so love birds can sleep" thomas whispered basically shoving them out of the room and shutting the door n turning off the lights.

thomas pov
We were all sitting in the living room on our phones and talking as we heard a knock at the door "i'll get it" i yelled as i stood up making my way toward the door.I opened the door to reveal cynthia,chases ex...great just what they needed right about now.. "hey thom,chase around?" ive never really liked cynthia from the start just because she's never really be the nicest of girls and she cheated on chase a couple times and didn't respect chase her own damn boyfriend but you know.

(BTW cynthia seems like such a sweet person but just for the story i'm going to make her a meaner character!NO HATE towards her AT ALL!!)

"umm yeah but he's asleep upstairs" i said scratching the back of my neck nervously. why?just why was she coming here. "well can i chill for a bit with y'all since it was a bit of a drive to get here?" i nodded leading her to the living room and as we walked in i could see everyone's shocked faces.none of the hype house had liked her but since it was chases girlfriend at the time we just put up with it for him.Now that they were over we assumed that would be the end of her but i guess not. "hey y'all" she said taking a sit next to kover who rolled her eyes and mouthed 'really?' to me i shrugged and gave a sympathetic look. alex-"hey umm sarah" she went confused and i kicked alex's foot. I seen his face flinch "I mean cynthia..."  she smiled with her annoying preppy smile "well i've been thinking,since chase and charli are ya know splitzville" she gave her stupid fake giggle "I miss him,he's such a doll,he so adorable and ugh i just want to wear his hoodies again and snuggle into his bare chest" i was getting really annoyed but before i could say anything mia cut me off knowing what i would say would be harsh and rude "umm cynthia it's not really public or anything or hell even official but ugh i wouldn't get your hopes up too much..." she said trying to be sympathetic but clearly not caring. cynthias face suddenly turned angry and hurt "is it that stupid bitch charli?" she starts crying. Oh god no here comes the water works. "b-but chase t-told me he loved me last night..." Suddenly my face dropped. But he just sat upstairs all day ranting to me about how much he loves charli.I don't think it's true.. could it be?suddenly dixie stood up "WHAT THE FUCK?" cynthia started whaling in tears "i'm going to go p-please tell chace that i'm gonna go off social media for a bit" and with that she basically ran out of the house. "ugh i-i mean do we believe her or?" i said as everyone was holding and calming dixie down. "we should ask him" alex said blankly i nodded. As if perfect timing chase and charli came down sleepy eyed and yawning holding hands downs the stairs" "hey guys" i smiled awkwardly at charli. when they reached the bottom charli let go and walked off to the kitchen as chase stood in the middle of us. "hey weirdos what ya up to?" suddenly it got awkward as no one responded and all looked down "yo?yall alive or what?" he chuckled confused alex:"ugh chase, we just had a visit from cynthia" chase chuckled "oh god what's wrong today what happened to her?" he said assuming she came to complain about something again like always. "well chase" i said meeting his gaze "she said some very interesting things..."dixie stood up angrily "according to her yesterday night you had no problem in telling her how much you love her" as of all times charli walked in with a glass of water and herd dixie. chases face dropped and i instantly felt my heat sanked. i knew cynthia was lying to fuck with us,why did i beleive it. We all looked at charli . avani-"c-charli..." she ran past chase and upstairs as he went to go after her then turned to us. "i swear to god guys i didn't tell her anything.She tried getting with me!ME!Not the other way around!!" everyone suddenly went shocked. alex-"fuck why did we beleive her we know that's stunt is something cynthia would pull"chases wiped his eyes getting rid of any forming tears. "let me go see if maybe i can possibly fix this now.." chase said quickly jogging up the stairs. i turned around facing them "fuck were so stupid,i mean chase has a past but we all know cynthia..." everyone was looking down at there laps uncomfortably mia:"we fucked up"

word count not including authors not:1068💗

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