part 31

697 23 13

time skip a few days
charli can walk now yall lmfao

charlis pov:
i was sitting at the kitchen island with the whole house expect felt has been distant the last few days,not just with me but in general.i'm trying so hard to talk to him but everytime he shuts it down about anything related to his mental health. chase had been spending all day in his room,and all thought he doesn't tell me to leave his room i can sense he wants to be alone.  "what do we do?" i said quietly. the whole house was sitting here with a uncomfortable/awkward silence. "i don't know man,i don't know bout y'all but chase has been there for us and i don't want to just ignore this,like i mean how he's acting and clearly not doing okay...." i nodded knowing thomas had a point. " i think it's because of social media..." mia added. i went confused.i mean i knew chase had a lot more hate and drama then most creators due to his last mistakes,but it usually wasn't this bad "but why now?" kover and mia looked at each other then me. "bryce and josh released a distract on him" thomas looked up at kover "they didn't." thomas said angrily. "i fucking hate them" nick not only did they pick multiple fights with him but now they try to ruin his life.they know how much social media effects chase. i rolled my eyes angrily. "why?i don't get it.i mean i know they strongly dislike and hate each other but it's not chase i'd going out of his way to ruin their careers and lives" avani shrugged "it's nothing really about's just how bryce and josh are" i sighed. it was ovbious that chases mental health dropped.for the past two days he's been in his room,hasn't came out,hasn't ate or drank besides one sandwhich that i brought him yesterday because i was worried,and that he didn't even was clear the only reason he even took a bite was because he knew i wouldn't leave his room until i knew he ate it. we tried getting him to come down out of his room by sending him texts or knocking on his door and asking if he wanted to come down and swim,or go to eat,or come make tiktoks,but everytime it was always "it's alright..." you could hear in his voice that he's spent his time crying. after the first night of him crying to sleep and refusing to tell me or admit he was crying,i slept in my room because the following night he turned away from me and i ended up waking up to him sleeping on the floor with a single small blanket and i felt bad for him having to sleep on the floor in HIS own room. the night after thought i did send him a text letting him know that we all appreciated him and i cared for him. he replied with "i love yall" and that was it. it was breaking my heart seeing him this way. lwe have to go in there" i said bluntly. the whole house looked at me,i could tell they agreed and felt the same way. "if we don't we don't know what's happening,i mean for all we know he feels alone,he's started his habit again or even worse..." i said trying not to think to hard about it knowing i was already on the verge of tears.  the house nodded "do we all go or jus-" calvin added. it was always weird to see calvin quiet or in a sad mood as calvin was always hyper,even when fights or people crying was happening.he was always a live for the moment type of person,i think he really pulled the house together on its lowest and worse days. "well all go up,but maybe charli and i will go in?" thomas added. they all agreed mostly because thomas and i were always the two closest people to chase,considering i was his girlfriend and thomas his childhood friend. we all made our way up there as thomas knocked on the door. "chase?..." he said quietly but loud enough for chase to hear. no heart was pounding at this point and the tension in the hall way was growing quickly. thomas looked at all of us before clearing his throat and once again knocking "hey chase man,buddy it's me,could you open up?" thomas yelled a bit louder now that anyone from downstairs could hear also if there was anyone. no reply. i was mentally panicking at this point. please chase. something.anything to let us know your alive. i looked at thomas tears filling my eyes and worried written all over mine and his face. thomas tried the handle only for it to be cut off half way through. locked. of course. i wanted to cry.i was crying. i was mentally panicking "we have to get int there" mia whispered. i nodded knowing if i said anything i would break down. thomas quickly went to his room and came back out with a thin screw driver.he bent down quickly picking at the lock. all though thomas tried to remain calm we could all see the fear written all over his face and the stress in his movements as he tried to unlock the door. after about 30 seconds of fear and worried filled silence thomas opened the door as same time at chase walked to the door. "chase..." thomas said "i was peeing" he said dryly. i looked at everyone then back at chase. he had bags under his eyes,along with the same sweatpants and shirt he had been wearing for days. you could tell by just looking at his face that he was starting to lose weight by the way his eyes were sagging and skin was falling. at this point chase was already severely underweight and everyone knew it. it was always something we all noticed in the house but never mentioned unless it came up in a serious talk because we knew how much chase struggled with weight/body image and gaining weight. he really did try and he was diagnosed with a eating disorder about a year ago,but he never talked about it. we all made sure he ate though and had our ways of getting him to eat daily without him realizing we were keeping track of his diet."man you okay?we're all worried man?" chase nodded "great" n forced a smiled. we all knew it was a fake smile,not just because of the ovbious situation but since we were all so used to going on set and smiling for social media and fans on our bad days we all knew when each one of us was putting on a smile and front. "i texted you" calvin added in hopes chase would acknowledge something. chase reached for his ohone off the dressed by the door but failed to pick it up. he was to weak,due to no food and the now completely gone muscle in his body. i could see panic written on his face as he realized all our gazes were on his and clearly noticed his weakness. "chase went to shut the door but thomas stopped the door easily due to thomas just being built and chase not having any strength in him. "chase please we hate to see you suffer" chase looked at thomas before mouthing something out of my gaze fo thomas. thomas turned to us "i'll be back down in a bit" only leaving us watching chases door close with thomas and chase in his room.i turned to avani and started crying.

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