part 11

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chases pov

my heart sank.

I looked up to see everyone face go pale as i could feel the colour from my face disappear.Charli,or avani could be dead. i could feel hot tears rushing to my eyes. i couldn't wipe them away as my hands were in cuffs. I felt a hot tear slip out of my eye and make its way down my cheek. "i-i" i couldn't even talk. it was like my whole body was paralyzed,i couldn't move,i couldn't speak,i couldn't mind instantly broke. I couldn't help but scream "WHAT THE FUCK?!WHERE ARE THEY?!" all the police officers and everyone else in the room which was now only our house members since everyone else was forced to leave,were now looking at me. a police officer came over. "i can't share info right-" i rolled my eyes. they could possibly die and your telling me you can't share information? "bullshit where are they?" after 10 minutes of scolding from a corrupt cop. Then suddenly another cop can over saying things out of my distance of hearing to him. He then stood up,would you like to go to the hospital and see your friends?" he glanced at my friends then back at me. i nodded quickly. "can i-ugh get out of these?-" i said motioning my head to the cuffs. he nodded unlocking them before me and my friends were escorted to a cop car and driven to the hospital. All i could think about was charli. charli.charli grace damelio.The car ride felt like hours,days,months. But we finally got there. I ran as fast as i could into the hospital as the cop followed along with the hype house memebers.none of them said a word considering they were all uneasy. The cop looked at me "follow me" he motioned. the elevator was the most awkward and scariest thing ever. I didn't care,all i needed was to see charli,okay, charli in my arms back at the house,cuddling. but she wasn't. she was either in a hospital or- i didn't want to think about that. Suddenly the elevator door opened and he lead us to a room. Both with empty beds i turned to him angrily "is this some joke?" he shook his head "wait in here they're just getting out of surgery!"just then as we all sat down the rest of the hype house that went swimming appeared in the door. Dixie benin the first one in "what the hell happened?!" alex stood up walking over to her trying to calm her we were all quietly sitting waiting patiently in the room with a awkward silence all except the clock ticking by making it feel like hours mia spoke up "w-what if we lose one?or-" she wiped her tears just then doctors came in wheeling avani and charli on separate beds hooking them up to machines and what not. A nurse walked over to us. "Avani greggs surgery after her stab wound went successfully and so did charli damelios on the gunshot wounds. Unfortunately they're both in a coma...and " the nurse suddenly went pale "and were not sure if they'll ever wake up,mrs.gregg should as the stab wound completely missed all arteries and such,as for mrs damelio,it all depends on her bodies strength,it's hard to tell at this point." i nodded as she walked out. i couldn't feel anything. dixies burst into a hysterical fit of tears as everyone else was tearing up. I just stood there in shock before glancing over at charli and avani. i ran to the trash instantly getting sick. if i had just canceled my meeting with fanjoy maybe we would be here. this is all my fault. i felt so sick i barely could see straight.The next few hours were dread. we all sat in silence dizzeu,sad,worried. dixie was crying and whaling the whole time which is understandable. "h-hello?" a quieted raspy voice filled the room. i looked over instantly knowing it wasn't charli from the voice. i smiled softly knowing atleast avani was okay but i was still so scared. We all gathered around avanis bed. "hey av" kover said trying to sound cheerful. mia:"how ya feeling girl?" she giggled sadly "like i was just york to shreds and sowed up" she laughed sadly. we all smiled sadly. suddenly avani went white then looked around the room as if she was searching for something. "CHARLI?!" she screamed before looking over and calming down seeing charli. "i-is she okay"  we all knew telling her would just make the situation worse so thomas just simply said "hopefully" and quickly moved on from the subject.but i couldn't. charli was on my mind the only thing on my mind. I couldn't help but stare at her.I quickly smiled at avani "glad your okay" she nodded "thanks" with that i got up and sat in a chair besides charlis bed. Dixie stood standing at the end of her bed tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes staring at her. I gentley reached out and squeezed charlis hand. "please...please wake up" i whispered. but yet not response.

charlis pov
i couldn't move,i couldn't see or talk. but i could hear things. i heard crying. i instantly recognized it to be dixies and chases.why were they crying?whats wrong?i wanted to speak,or move,or hell even see them,but i couldn't." pleade...please wake up" i heard chase plead. my heart broke.was i sleeping?no i'd be able to wake up,and this didn't feel like a dream. suddenly memories came flooding into my brain.


avani screamed through the tape covering her mouth as she was tied to a chair. "though you ladies were smart the other day in my car huh?well look where you are now!!" he smirked before pushing a switchblade into avanis sude. "NOOO!" i screamed. he looked up "did someone make a noise?" i instantly felt sick and scared. i wanted this to go away,wake up and be a bad dream but no matter what i knew that this was real and happening. he walked closer to me pulling out a gun. "i'm sorry did mrs.clari damelio say something?mrs tiktok queen day something?" i heard a loud bang followed my the echo ringing out as i felt sharp pain sting in the middle of my stomach

chases pov
suddenly charlis heart monitor started picking up. her heart was beating faster...and faster before the nurses came in. right as they were about to put a needle in her arm she jolted awake. i couldn't help but smile through my tears.


word count:1132
hope you enjoy:)

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