16 - Letters

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🎶Like Real People Do - Hozier🎶

We stayed there till sunrise, messing around and having fun like nothing was ever wrong. 

Like we were teens again. 

But of course, everything has to end eventually and while the guys cleaned up, the girls and I walked ahead, back to the club where the cars were parked. 

"I'm sorry what happened earlier tonight Sky, somebody should've gone with you." Abby finally brings up the topic I think everybody was dreading to start talking about. "It's okay, none of you could've known." I excuse them, but Caily shakes her head. 

"This guy is my co-worker. I could never look the same at him again." She says, her voice filled with disgust. "Guys, it's okay. I'm used to it."  I shrug, making all the girls freeze in their spot. "Skylar that's not okay," Rachel says, making me shake my head. "That's just the way it is. You guys all went to college, don't tell me a guy never touched you without your permission." I look back at them and they all fall silent. 

The sad truth they never stopped to think about. 

"I need a topic change." Caily groans, making me chuckle. Same girl, same. "What about you and Enzo? What's going on there?" Abby asks, making me blush. "Oh look at her blush." Rachel laughs, I shake my head. "I don't know guys. I mean, it's Enzo. It's familiar, it's safe. But every time things go great, the past comes back to remind me of what happened and shamelessly bites me in the ass." I roll my eyes when I even think about it. 

"Well, you seem to slowly get past it." Rachel reminds me and I nod. "It seems so, but we'll see what happens. Right now I'm just going with the flow." 


Enzo offered me a ride back to my apartment and I gladly took it. I don't feel like being alone right now. 

The car ride is silent, both of us bursting with anticipation. You can cut the tension with a knife, and not the bad kind. I want him right now. I need him. 

As the car comes to a stop, I look outside at the apartment building before looking back at Enzo. My eyes apparently say it all because Enzo fully turns off his car and gets out without a second to waste. I, too, get out and while we walk to the entrance I looked up at the sky that's filled with pastel colors. It's beautiful. 

Without any words, we walk to the door of my apartment and get inside. Once the door's closed, we both slowly make eye contact. Both of us waiting to see who'll make the first move. 

"Thank you for yesterday." I finally say, barely audible but he heard it. He shoots me a genuine smile. Without warning, I yawn and realize just how tired I actually am. Enzo yawns after me, them being contagious and everything, making me giggle. 

"Do you want to stay here? Being tired on the road isn't really safe." I offer, making him grin. "Not like that You idiot." I hit his chest. "You can sleep here, that's it," I tell him. "Sorry Sky, but I'm not sleeping on the couch." He chuckles, making me roll my eyes. 

"You can sleep in my bed," I say, his eyebrows shooting up. "We're two mature adults, I trust that we can share a bed without anything happening," I explain and he nods. Together we walk to my bedroom. I get in my pajamas while Enzo undresses. 

I sleep in an oversized shirt and when I turn around I have to swallow hard. Enzo's standing in front of me, with nothing more than a pair of boxers on. Damn him. 

I quickly crawl into bed, under the sheets and Enzo follows me. The curtains luckily are thick enough to block the sunlight into the room, making sleep come easy. Neither of us talks as we just lay in bed, slowly falling asleep. 

And Just before I'm gone, I feel Enzo's arm drape around my waist. Being too tired to do anything against it, I let it slide for now. 


A few hours later I wake up curled up against Enzo's chest. I turn my head to the nightstand to look at the clock. It's 12 now, it was 6 when we came home. 6 hours of sleep is like an average night. I'll take it. 

I look back at Enzo who's still sleeping. I can't help but smile as I look at his face. He's so peaceful when he sleeps. Even though I'd love to stay in bed with him, I decide against it and get out. I grab the lounge chair close by the bed, my notebook, take a seat and start writing about whatever is on my mind. 

I mean Enzo is amazing and I'm sure he's grown as a person. It's been six years, he has to have changed somehow. Matured at least. In every way, he is like I remembered him if not better. I feel comfortable around him like I'm home almost. I can let go when I'm around him. But the past still haunts me. It's almost crazy how when I sleep with him next to me, the nightmares don't dare bother me. His almost like my hero, chasing the dark dreams away and filling my mind with bright ones. 

But it's hard because he's part of those dark dreams. I have absolutely no idea how that works but it does. And I'm fighting to let go of the past, I'm fighting with all my heart because the longer I'm around Enzo, the more I start to fall in love with him all over again. And I guess, that scares me too. Because I don't want to go through the same heartbreak again that I went through 6 years ago. I wouldn't be able to survive that shit. 

I'm so caught up in what I'm writing that I don't even notice Enzo waking up and walking toward me until he grabs the notebook out of my hand. "Enzo no!" I yell,  making him run away from me. Fuck, he can't read that. 

I chase after him to the kitchen where he tries to read what I was writing. Seeing the only option to stop him from doing it right here and now, I jump on his back. He yelps and almost falls to the ground, letting go of the notebook. His free hand grabs onto the counter and keeps us both from falling. 

I hold on to his neck and my legs wrap around his torso. "You're not reading any of that Hayden," I warn him, quickly jumping off of him and snatching the notebook off the ground. "Is that because you were writing about me?" He asks with a smirk, I shake my head. "None of your goddamn business Hayden. Keep your nose out of my notebook." I walk back to my bedroom en close the door before he can get in after me, giving me a chance to hide it from him until he's left the apartment. 

I hide it in my closet, walk back to my bedroom door and let Enzo in again. I smile at him sweetly when he noticed that I'm no longer holding the notebook and it's nowhere in his eyesight. "There must be some crazy stuff in there for you to hide it from me like that." He remarks and I chuckle. "Just get your pants back on and get out of my apartment Hayden." 

"Is that always how you treat your guests?" He asks laughing while putting his clothes back on. "No, your special." I shake my head, with a smile on my face. I can't help it. When he's done, he straightens himself and walks towards me. 

"You look hot in that oversized shirt, let's hope that next time it's mine." He says huskily, making my breath catch in my throat. He gives me a warm quick kiss on the lips, surprising me completely, but before I can kiss him back the kiss is already over. He smiles at me one last time and then leaves the apartment, leaving me alone and turned on. 

God damn it, Enzo Hayden. 

Where feet may failOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz