6 - Perfect, imperfect

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🎶You Broke Me First - Tate McRae🎶

"What the fuck was that?" I shout whisper at her but before she can answer, Enzo's standing next to me. He too isn't looking very happy. "What the fuck Abby." He says in a low tone. "What was that all about." He continues and Abby shrugs. "It was just part of the activity. They had the right to know if they voted right." She says with a small voice that almost makes my anger disappear. Almost.

"It was none of their business. You know what happened to us, you could've easily skipped our category." I say as I let out a huff. "Can you guys chill out? This is supposed to be fun. I'm sorry if I made you guys uncomfortable but I had to break the ice. The tension between you two is annoying." She scoffs and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. You said you were sorry and I accept your apology. Let's get back to the party." I say, not wanting to talk about this for another second.

The rest of the night is filled with obvious tension. I try to avoid Enzo for obvious reasons and try to concentrate on talking to other old students. Reliving memories and such.

And then around ten-ish, we decide to once again, move the party to the beach.


I'm standing at the edge of the beach, looking out at the moon and the party playing out in front of me. After the stunt, Abby pulled I've had people come up at me the entire night asking if it was true. Mostly girls, of course. Let's just say that Enzo was always very wanted and now they knew for sure he was single.

I grew tired of it and decided to just take a breather on the side. It's weird having high school drama while we're not in high school anymore. What is wrong with us?

"Getting away from the drama Abby started, too?" I hear somebody say behind me. I turn around only to make eye contact with Enzo. "I guess so. I kind of got over the desperate girls down there, shoving it down my throat that we broke up five years ago." I let out a humorless laugh as I turn back to the beach. "Pathetic," I whisper to myself, but hearing Enzo chuckle, he probably heard it.

"They're just jealous of you. They know deep down that if we wanted to get back together, we would and nobody could stop that." He comes to stand next to me and looks in front of us like I am. "Well, then there's no threat since we're never going back together." I chuckle lightly.

"We did have a good relationship." He all of a sudden states and my head shoots towards him. "What?"

"All those things Abby said, we were the perfect couple. We were the prom king and queen. We were always together and had the craziest yet most romantic dates. The only thing we missed was that you weren't a cheerleader but I was a jock." I laugh with him. He's right.

"Those cheerleaders just seemed so fake, too enthusiastic for my liking."

"Oh, and you weren't enthusiastic from the side? We could hear you guys yelling for us over the cheerleader's yells." He laughs again and I giggle. "You're right, but still. It felt a lot better from the side." He nods.

"Yes, seeing you in my jersey after every game was a huge turn-on, not that a tight cheerleading outfit wouldn't have turned me on. I'm secretly sad I only saw you wear that once." I nod along and when I look at him again, I notice that we somehow moved closer to each other.

"Right, the big win. I saw the picture on my way to the gymnasium." I tell him. "That was maybe one of the best days ever." I smile as I think back at it.

"I'm sure it was," Enzo smirks and I roll my eyes as I shove him playfully. "Shut up, I think I still have a mark on my back because of that locker you shoved me up against." I rub my back as I remember the feeling. Somehow it didn't hurt at the moment. We were both way too caught up in our hormones to feel anything else. It wasn't until the next day that it began to hurt. That shove left a nasty mark for weeks.

All of a sudden when I turn to face him our faces are closer than ever. Our noses almost touching each other. "We were amazing." He whispers and I can feel his breath against my lips. We're so close.

A voice in my head tells me that I shouldn't. I'm better than that.

But then there's the louder voice that's so curious. Curious if he still tastes the same, if he's as good as I remember, or maybe even better.

I lock eyes with him before his gaze falls to my lips. "Hayden," I whisper. "I love that you still call me by my last name like I still play football. It makes me feel younger." He takes a step closer like we weren't already close enough.

And then he slowly fills the space between us, his head dipping so his lips can meet mine. His lips brush against mine and then softly press. When I don't push him away, his hand cups my face while the other circles around my waist to pull me even closer.

Like muscle memory, my hands grip his jaw as I pull him more into me. He nips at my lips and they open without hesitation. He deepens the kiss, his tongue colliding with mine while my arms snake around his neck and his around my waist.

He tastes almost the exact same. The hint of beer and mint giving me a delicious sensation. I've missed him, I've missed his taste and touch. I didn't know that until now, now I feel him again.

Without my permission, a moan escapes my throat and our kiss get's hungrier.

And that's when I realize why he hadn't touched me in so long. And with that thought I pull away, putting my hands on his chest to put some distance between us. "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have done that," I say out of breath, but he shakes his head. "I've been meaning to do that since I saw you." He confesses and my eyes shoot up to his.

"We can't Hayden. I don't want to." I confess to him and he frowns. "Why?"

"Why do you think?! Because you cheated." I take a step back. "I mean we were just talking about how amazing our relationship was but apparently there must've been something wrong with it otherwise you wouldn't have done that." I remind him.

I mean it's true. Who would cheat while in a perfect relationship? No one, so our relationship obviously wasn't perfect.

"Skylar please-"

"-No, as I said, it's different for me. You cheated. You broke my heart and I had to find out through somebody else! You didn't even have the decency to tell me, Abby had to tell me! It's because of you that I went out that night and-" I stop myself from talking any further before I tell him something I don't want to tell him. His eyes fill with confusion.

"I... Let's just not make this mistake again okay?" I bite my lip, still tasting him. "We were everything I wanted, everything I needed." He reassures me, making the urge to slap him much bigger. "Then why the fuck did you cheat Hayden?! If I was everything you wanted, why did you cheat?!" I yell. My breathing has become rapid. He just keeps silent.

"I'll tell you why. It's because I wasn't what you wanted. I wasn't enough. I was just perfect to settle down with while fucking some bitch on the side. Too bad it didn't work out though. It would've been a classical American marriage." I basically spit out the words.

"I'm going home. Could you please tell everybody else that?" Without him being able to answer I turn on my heels and start walking away from the beach. I've got to get out of here. Even if that means walking alone in the middle of the night down an empty street.

Morro Bay is a small city, I'm not scared of getting abducted in the middle of the night here. Here, that's the least of my worries. 

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