19 - The truth

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🎶I Found - Amber Run🎶

I watched them get into my temporary apartment. I watched him. I watched him take a look around, nod, and then grin at me. And I could see it. I saw it in his eyes. He knew exactly who I was. 

He stuck his hand out to me and said, "My name's Damion by the way," I just nodded, excused myself, and went to the bathroom, practically having a panic attack. 

And now I'm getting ready for yet another party with the group, Josie, and Damion. And I don't think I've ever craved alcohol more in my life. Today has been an absolute disaster, seeing as Damion had to go everywhere Josie and I went. It was so uncomfortable, but I'm just happy that Josie didn't see my discomfort. I wouldn't want her to worry, she looks happy and I don't want to ruin that. 

I'm wearing a loose red dress that's fitting at the top with spaghetti straps with my white vans. My hair up in a bun, make up natural and I'm ready to go. Let the games begin. 

The three of us walk to Abby's house where the party's at, just a few minutes walking, nothing spectacular. When we arrive I'm just happy to finally be around my safe place, the people I love. Josie is definitely considered one of those people but not when Damion is around her. I just can't relax with him close by me. 

As we walk into the house we are all overwhelmed with the smell of alcohol and sweat and the loud music booming through the home. I look around for Abby in de dark and spot her with Zeke talking to some people. Probably about their engagement. 

"Josie! I want to introduce you to my friends, come on!" I yell over the music and she nods. The three of us make our way through the crowd of sweaty bodies until we finally arrive at Abby's and Zeke's spot. 

"Abby!" I yell and she turns to look at me with a huge grin. "Sky!" She pulls me in for a hug, one I really needed, and then she looks at Josie and Damion. "Who are these two?" She asks with a smile and I laugh. "This is Josie, my housemate back in New Haven, and her boyfriend Damion. Guys, this is Abby and Zeke. 2 out of the eight from our high school friend group." I introduce them and they all nod along. 

I pull Abby closer. "Can you show them around? Introduce them to everyone? I've got to get a drink first, I'll explain later," I tell her, and she nods. She looks at Josie and Damion while grabbing Zeke's hand. "Let me show you around guys," She yells over the loud music. 

"I'll see you in a bit," I tell Josie, but before she can even react I'm off to the kitchen. Drink first, talk later. I'm going to need a lot of alcohol to get through this night. 

As I enter the kitchen, I grab the bottle of vodka standing on the counter and the nearest cup I can find. Pure vodka for the night it is. I fill the entire cup and take a big gulp. As I busy myself with my drink, I don't even hear anybody else enter the kitchen until two arms snake around my waist. Startled I grab the hands and peel the person off of me, turning around to face apparently Enzo. 

"Jesus Hayden!" I exclaim while Enzo gives me a funny look. "Wow somebody's on edge. Who did you think I was?" He asks, frowning. Making me swallow hard and look away from him. "No one, I've just had a rough day," I half-lie. "Well come here and let me make it better," He reaches out for me and I gladly enter his embrace. 

He hugs me tight before giving me a slow kiss on the lips. "Somebody's been drinking pure vodka," He remarks once we pull back. "Yeah, I'm afraid I'll need it." I sigh and turn back to my cup. "Why, isn't beer enough for you?" He laughs and I shake my head. "My best friend from New Haven is here with her new boyfriend," I explain.

Enzo nods. "And you don't like her new boyfriend?" I nod. "Kinda, it's a long story I don't want to tell right now." I take another sip from my drink. "Let's just get back to the party," I tell him and together we walk back into the living room. 


After an hour or two, I'm drunk enough to forget about Damion and just have a fun time with my friends. After singing at the top of our lungs to dancing queen we all fall back on the couch, laughing and giggling. 

I glance at Josie who gives me a funny look. "What is it?" I ask as Enzo takes a seat next to me and everybody else takes a seat on the couch or on another chair. The ten of us circled around each other.

"Nothing, it's just that I haven't you like this in years." She shrugs, bringing me out of my good mood within seconds. "What do you mean, in years? Are we still talking about Skylar? This girl is wild." Rachel speaks up, making me cringe even harder. 

"Are you crazy, why would she still be like that after being-" 

"Josie!" I interrupt her. She looks at me, frowning and I shake my head. "After what?" Caily jumps into the conversation and I can feel my stomach getting tighter by the second. "Sky, you didn't tell them? I thought you told them?" Josie goes on and I mentally slap her in the face for not letting the subject go. 

"Josie now is not the time. Drop the subject." I say through my teeth. "What subject is this even about? What are you two talking about?" Rachel pushes and I look at her. "Rach, stop it," I tell her as I can feel the air leaving my lungs. This is not happening right now. I refuse. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Abby asks which makes me whip my head in her direction. Great, now everybody is involved in the conversation. "Something happened to Skylar," Caily says before I can say something. 

"Oh my god, what? How do I need to punch!" Abby practically yells and if it weren't for the current situation, I would've actually laughed at that. "Not just now, a few years ago apparently." Rachel clarifies. I turn to look at Enzo who is also frowning. 

"Skylar, what is Josie talking about?" He asks and I shake my head. I can feel that breathing is becoming harder with the second and all I care about right is getting out of here. I need to get out of here. 

"Oh my god," I say under my breath as my gaze falls to the ground and I try to stand up. "Fuck, Skylar are you okay?" I hear someone ask but I can't recognize who anymore. Everything is becoming a blur while my mind is swallowed by panic and slowly growing. The number of people surrounding me all of a sudden becoming way too much. 

"She's having a panic attack, let's get her outside." "Panic attack? Why the hell is she having a panic attack?" "Just get her outside!" "Somebody get her some water"

I feel my body getting dragged somewhere until I feel the fresh air against my skin, calming me. I feel myself sliding down against a wall, carefully taking a seat, and then I hear a voice again. "Come on Skylar, breath with me." It's Josie's voice and I listen to her carefully. 

"Let's breathe in, okay?" I take a deep breath through my nose and hold it for as long as Josie counts and release it again. My heart rate slowly slows down and carefully I look up at Josie who is surrounded by my friends. 

The sight alone speeds my heart rate up again and panic shoots through my veins but I try to fight. "Here you go, I got you some water," I look to my left where now Damion is crouched down, our eyes meeting directly, scaring the living shit out of me. 

I watch him in fear as he smirks and touches my elbow, his touch making me nauseous. "Don't touch me!" I tell him as I crawl away, my breathing once again speeding up as I try to get as far away from him as possible. 

"Hey, what did I do wrong?" He asks me, trying to come closer to me again but I shake my head furiously as I keep crawling away from him until I bump into somebody's legs. "Get away from me! Don't touch me!" I yell and Josie now stands in front of me, trying to calm me down. 

"Skylar calm down, he's just trying to help," She tries to explain but I keep shaking my head. Tears are now streaming down my face as I start sobbing and hyperventilating at the same time. 

"No! No, no, no, no, no!" I keep on repeating as I now rub the spot where touched me. I can still feel it, I can now feel him everywhere again. I don't want to feel it.

"He touched me," I practically cry out and Josie shakes her head confused. "He touched your elbow Sky," She coos but I keep on shaking my head. 

"No Jo, no." I sob, "5 years ago, h-he the one t-" I can't even finish my sentence. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying not to think about it but flashback after flashback floods my brain. 

"The one that raped you?" I hear her ask and another sob escapes my lips as I cover my face with my hands. I'm now sobbing uncontrollably as it all comes back to me and I can't help but cry. 

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