12 - Tammy

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🎶I Can't Fall In Love Without You - Zara Larsson🎶

When we get out of the water I'm getting some strange looks from Rachel, making me question if I did something to her. As everybody's getting dressed and talking about what an amazing day we've had, I walk up to her to ask what's up.

"You okay Rach?" I ask her and she nods. "Yeah, it's just... well, you and Enzo seemed to have a moment in the water today. Correct me if I'm wrong." She says almost unsure. "You're wrong." I shake my head quickly. "I fell off my board so he helped me get back to the surface and find my board, that's all." I try to explain calmly.

I had no idea she was watching us. I thought she and Caily were too busy surfing while everybody else was too far away from us to see anything.

"Okay, well, you guys just seemed very close. You know you can tell us anything right? We won't judge you for anything." She promises and I nod. "I know babe, and I will. But this was just a harmless act of someone helping out someone else." I shrug, hoping she will let it go now.

"Of course, yeah-"

"Yo Skylar!" I hear Ryker yell behind us, making me turn around. His arm is around Caily while he waves me down. I give Rachel one last reassuring glance before walking towards him. "What's up?" I ask.

"We're having a party tonight at our place, some people you know will be there and some new people that you might like to meet. It'll be fun you should be there." He offers while I look at Caily for reassurance. "Yeah, It'll be fun Sky. Maybe you'll find a cute guy, fall in love and move back here." She smiles brightly, making me laugh.

"You have a beautiful imagination Caily, I'll give you that. I hope your kids will inherit that." I say while looking back at Ryker. "I'll be there. Just text me your address since I don't know where you guys live currently." I tell him and he nods. "Okay great, Rachel, Isaac? Let's go!" He yells at them.

"We had a fun time guys, see you all tonight," Caily tells us and with that, the first four are off. Abby and Zeke drive Enzo and I both back to our places which leaves me to cook dinner for myself and figure out what to wear tonight.


I ended up choosing this off-the-shoulder, white, boho-style top with long, wide sleeves. A short, fitted green skirt with a big leather brown belt, some cute golden necklaces, and cute brown sandals because free the feet! I'd go in flip-flops but I'm afraid I'd lose a toe if I do so stylish sandals it is!

I throw my hair up in a ponytail since I hate it when I'm getting sweaty and my hair sticks to my skin, and with that, I'm ready to go. I grab my purse and am out the door.

Again I'm walking to their house since it's close by. I'm just hoping that nobody will notice me leaving with Enzo tonight. Sleeping with him for some reason helps to reduce my nightmares and since I won't be able to get my new dose for another few days, I'll be sleeping in Enzo's bed until then.

When I walk up to their house I smile. Just like with Abby and Zeke's place this house totally fits them. I can't wait to see what the inside looks like.

The house is baby blue with accents of dark blue and a beautiful light brown roof. You can barely see the colors because it's already dark, so I'll definitely have to return here later this week to see their house in its full glory.

I walk around to the backyard where there are already a lot of people present. I could already hear the music a few houses back so I had a feeling I wouldn't be the first one here. Well, to be honest, I knew I wouldn't be the first one since I came an hour later than asked. Whoops. I look around if I can spot some familiar faces, but none yet so instead I look around for something to drink.

Bingo! They have a bar in their backyard. Extra points for this couple, Abby and Zeke could never. I walk towards it and grab myself a cherry vodka straight. We love something strong to ease the tension and break the ice.

I think I might be an alcoholic. I forgot how much I can drink if I go to parties. In New Haven, I barely go out. I look around again as I take a few sips of my drink until I sport a very familiar back. A very hot back. Enzo Haydens back.

I smile as I start to walk towards him, but slow down as I see he's talking to a girl. She's all over him, to say the least. Swaying her hips, not fully able to balance herself while talking to Enzo. She's clearly already drunk.

Her brown hair is a wild curly mess and her make-up looks a little too much for me. Her outfit showing a lot of skin, leaving almost no space for your imagination. I can already hear her annoying little voice, laughing about something Enzo must've said.

I shouldn't be jealous. I don't know that girl, she could be really nice. And Enzo and I aren't together anymore. He can do whatever he wants since we're just having fun. Yet I can't help but feel really fucking jealous.

Right at that moment, Abby walks by and I yank her by the arm. She shoots me a dirty look before realizing it's me and smiling brightly next. "Sky you made it!" She yells excited over the music and pulls me into a tight hug. She too has already had a few drinks I can tell. When I pull back, I immediately get down to business.

"Ab, who's that?" I ask her while pointing at the brunette who's still talking to Enzo. "The brown-haired skank talking to Enz? That's Tammy, an old hook-up of his. I can't believe he's talking to her." She says with a disgusted tone, making my heart sink. An old hook-up. She's an old hook-up?!

"Why'd you ask?" Abby turns to me, making me freeze. "I-Uhm... I just wanted to know. I guess jealousy got the best of me." I confess and she nods. "It's okay to feel a little jealous Sky. That's your ex. Just don't act on it and you'll be fine." She promises me and with that, she turns to them again.

"But let's say hi, anyway." She grins evilly before grabbing my hand and pulling towards Tammy and Enzo. Fuck, this can't go well. As we come closer, Tammy still hasn't noticed and Enzo has yet to turn himself around.

"Tammy, long time no see!" Abby says with the fakest nice voice I have ever heard her put up. Enzo turns around, his eyes immediately wide when they land on me. "Have you met Skylar yet? She's one of my besties from high school and Enzo's ex." She smiles sweetly. She might as well just pee on the ground, setting her territory. Jeez, Abby could you be more obvious?

Tammy's eyes land on me as well and a shiver runs down my spine. Not the good kind, not at all. Her eyes are cold and she wears a scowl on her face as her eyes scan me. This can't go well. 

"Ex-girlfriend?" She asks, making Abby roll her eyes. "No ex-wife. Of course, ex-girlfriend you dumb bitch." I gape at Abby's comment before looking back at Tammy who is also at a loss for words. She did not just say that. Tammy must've done something really bad for Abby to turn on her like that.

"Excuse me?!" She says angrily and Abby smiles sweetly at her. "You're excused. Now if you don't mind, we'd like to talk to our friend." Abby says. She can be scary when she needs to be I guess.

Tammy shoots me one last dirty look before she looks at Enzo and shoots him a seductive smile. "Come find me later," She winks before dramatically walking off, leaving the three of us alone. But before I can even get a word out, Abby is ahead of me.

"Seriously Enzo. Flirting with Tammy while Skylar is at this party?" She says disgustedly. Enzo gives her a confused look. "Abby, it's okay. He's a free man." My gaze shifts to him. "He can do whatever he wants Whatever we had is in the past." I look at Abby again and I can see that she needs some reassurance. "I'm serious Ab, I'm fine." I squeeze her shoulder, look back at Enzo one last time, and with that walk away.

I decide to find Caily and compliment her and Ryker on their house. Meanwhile, I down my drink, scared I'll spill it if I don't. After not being able to find Caily yet, I grab myself yet another drink and down it. I might get drunk tonight but I really couldn't care less. 

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