10 - I missed you

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🎶I Miss You, I'm Sorry - Gracie Abrams🎶

When we finally both have to stop for air I rest my forehead against his again. Our noses touching and our breaths rapid. "I missed you." He admits and my gaze meets his. He's genuine. He's honest.

Tears well up in my eyes. I've missed this so much. They're tears both of happiness, sadness, and frustration.

"Why did you do it?" I whisper to him. "Why did you betray me Enzo?" I almost beg him. I just need an answer. What made him do that to me? You can hear the desperation in my voice. But instead of answering me, he kisses me again. Throwing all his emotions into that one kiss, it almost overwhelms me.

He deepens the kiss immediately and kisses me like there's no tomorrow. And at that moment it does feel like that. That there's no tomorrow or yesterday. There's only here and now, and it feels pretty damn good.

His lips move from my lips to my neck and collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses behind until he finally finds my sweet spot on my neck again. I gasp at his touch and I can feel him smile against my skin. Before I know it he sucks the skin and a breathy moan escapes my throat. I can only squeeze my eyes shut.

My legs tighten, bringing us closer together while his hands trail from my butt to my ribs. His thumbs grazing the fabric of my bra. I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the sensation overcoming me. The last time I felt like this was 6 years ago. And now I finally feel like this again, I can barely comprehend it.

"Enzo," I beg, not knowing what my intentions are. Do I want him to stop or go on? I seriously don't know at this point. We're both too aroused to know.

And then I feel him starting to walk again, the touch of the water becoming less and less as he slowly gets us out of the water. All while I keep holding on to him and he keeps his sweet attack on my skin.

When I finally feel the water no longer touching me, I open my eyes. We're now fully out of the water and I unhook my legs from his torso, slowly getting my feet back on the ground. My arms however are still around his neck, making me stand on my tippy toes.

I pull back and our eyes meet again. For a moment neither of us knows what to do.

"I might regret this later but I'm going to do it anyway because you're worth it." He begins to say, taking a deep breath. "Do you want to go back to my place?" His eyes full of hope and in a moment of weakness, I nod yes.

With a bright smile, he gives me a short sensual kiss before picking me up and twirling me around. I shriek in surprise but it ends with a giggle. When my feet hit the ground again, I entirely let go of him to grab my clothes.

We both get dressed and with that, we walk to his place. I look back one last time at the sun, which is now a lot higher than when we got into the water and I can't help but smile at what just happened.


The entire walk neither of us spoke. I think we're both thinking about what's about to happen and what just happened a minute ago.

And now we're here, standing in front of his place. He opens the door and mentions for me to walk in first. I do, he walks in after me and closes the door behind us. I look at the gym that he built and I almost feel proud.

But all my thoughts fade away when I feel his arms snake around my waist, pulling me against him. My back flat against his chest and his nose in the creak of my neck. He inhales deeply and places a soft kiss, shooting shivers down my spine.

And before I can register what's happening, he has already turned me around and his lips crash down on mine. His hands already on my thighs and pulling me up. Like muscle memory, my legs hook around his torso and my arms around his neck. My hands in his hair and he slightly squeezing my waist as he starts walking up the stairs to the offices.

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