7 - Waves

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🎶From Now On - The Features🎶

The next day is yet another day with the girls. I met up with them at our old usual spot by Morro Bay sunset parking lot. From there on we just kept on walking until we found a good spot to sunbathe. 

Once we all settled on our stomachs and started tanning, our conversations started. Abby, Caily, and Rachel. Three very curious girls. 

"I saw you talk with Enzo last night." Caily winks at me and I roll my eyes. "Don't start," I warn her, and Rachel's head shoots to Abby. "Yeah, what was that all about during the reunion yesterday Ab, that wasn't cool. I was cringing for both Skylar and Enzo." Abby simply shrugs at her comment. 

"I don't know, maybe I wanted to show our old class what an ass Enzo really was. But instead, that backfired and now all the girls are swooning over him once again." She lets out a groan. "Ab, it's okay that you want to stick up for me but I can hold my own." 

"Can you though?" I look at Caily and frown. "Yes, I can Cay," I reassure her but she shakes her head. "I saw you guys kiss Sky." She confesses and I stiffen. She saw us? 

"Wait, you guys kissed?!" Rachel asked with a high pitched and I let my face fall on my towel. "Skylar, what the fuck?" I hear Abby say and my head shoots up again. "What the fuck indeed. It was just a... I don't know, weird, silent, weak moment. Believe me when I tell you it won't happen again." I look at all the girls and give them a convincing stare. "Now if we could please change the subject. I'd really appreciate that." I shoot them all a weak smile and Abby starts to grin.

"Okay, how is my wedding for a subject change?" She grins and I smile brightly. "When did Zeke pop the question exactly?" I ask her and she thinks for a moment. "A few weeks ago." She says, not completely sure of herself. "You've been engaged for several weeks and didn't call me immediately?" She smiles innocently. "I knew you were gonna come this summer and I wanted to tell you in person." She argues and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Whatever. Have you guys picked a date yet?" Caily chirps in and we all laugh. "Yes, in six months. we're planning on either the end of November or the start of December. It depends on where exactly we want to go." She says while having a bright smile on her face. 

She's definitely imagining what it will look like. I'm so happy she found her soulmate so early in life. That they all did. They all look genuinely happy.

"So if you guys would like to be my bridesmaids, I'd really appreciate that." We all nod eagerly while saying yes. "Of course! As long as you don't make us look disgusting." Rachel warns her and she chuckles. "Of course not, I want you guys to look almost as pretty as I will look on that day." We all laugh again. 

"I would like to do my first dress fitting next week. I want to find a dress with all of you so we gotta find it within this next month before you leave Skylar." She looks at me and I nod. "Have you made an appointment somewhere yet?" I ask her and she nods. 

"Yes, we have an appointment next week in San Luis Obispo since there are no bridal shops here in town. You know the drill. Fifteen-minute drive, nothing dramatic." She explains and I nod in agreement. 

"God, San Luis Obispo. I haven't been there in years either." I think back to all the times we went there. We mostly went there to go shopping and sometimes to go out clubbing since the club's there were bigger and more fun. More importantly, we had a smaller chance of running into our parents while drunk. 

"Remember the last time we went there?" Caily asks and I laugh at the memory. "I doubt it." Abby winks at me and Rachel shook her head. "The one night, you were the designated driver and you still became drunk. We had to crash at a random motel that night, my mother was furious the next day." She reminds me, with a smile on her face but you can hear the hint of annoyance in her voice. 

"Oh come on Rach, that was six years ago. We've all grown up and gotten over it. Nobody died that night." She chuckles while shaking her head. "Whatever, I'm ready to go in for a dive. Who's with me?" She jumps up from her place and puts her hands on her hips. 

"We should go surfing! The waves are amazing today." Caily says excitedly and gets up too. "Are you still as good as you were six years ago Sky?" She asks playfully. "Please don't challenge me. They have waves on the east coast honey." I stand up and mirror Rachel by putting my hands on my hips. 

"Yeah well, prove it. I bet you can't out-surf us anymore as you once did... old lady." My jaw hangs open and I act offended. "How dare you. You'll regret challenging me Caily. You'll regret it." I jokingly say and with that, we're off to the beach tent that rents surfboards. Running like a bunch of monkeys. 

I choose a beautiful off-white surfboard. I've secretly missed being able to surf whenever I wanted. On the east coast, it gets really cold in the winter and while it gets colder here too, it's still doable with a full-body wetsuit. 

"You ready to get your ass beat?" Caily asks as we stand at the edge of the water. "Girl, you don't even know what'll hit you," I say back and we laugh. "We haven't seen you surf in six years Sky. You better impress us or we might not let you hear the end of it, ever." Abby says and I nod. 

"When have I ever let you guys down." They all smile and we run into the water. Now we just have to wait for the perfect wave.

I don't really like exercising. I'm too lazy for that to be honest, but surfing is an exception. I've been surfing since I was eleven. I started doing it with my dad until my friends started surfing too. I was one of the early ones to begin. I had a head start which made me really good.

For me, it didn't matter what season it was. If the weather and waves were good? Then I was in the water. It's kind of weird that I'm not like that anymore. I still surf in the summer but even then I don't surf as much as I used to.

What's even weirder is that I considered surfing once to be my entire life. It was my goal to become a professional until I began to take writing more seriously. You take some, you lose some I guess. I still love to surf, I just do it less.

But every time my feet feel the board beneath them and a wave is coming at us it's like I never stopped. Complete muscle memory and before I know it I'm off on a wave again.

And that's what I'm doing right now.

After surfboarding for who knows how long we finally get back to our stuff after bringing the boards back.

"The waves were fabulous." Abby gushes as we all nod. "Skylar obviously hasn't lost her talent." Caily remarks and I laugh. "Were you hoping any different?" I joke and she shakes her head laughing. "Come on, this is you we're talking about Sky. Your dream job used to be a surfer. It's in your bones, you'll never forget how to surf." Rachel says and I nod.

"You're right." I agree as I look for my purse between our towels. "Guys has somebody seen my purse?" I ask them and they all shake their heads. "I can't find it." I frown and Caily kneels down to help me search. When after a few minutes we still haven't found it, I sigh.

"Somebody stole my fucking purse." I curse a few times while I stand up and grab my empty sunscreen bottle. "Was everything in there?" Abby asks and I shake my head, pulling my phone and wallet out of the empty bottle. "Always have a plan B." I wink. "There was nothing important in there except for-" I freeze as the realization hits me in a rush.

"Except for what?" Rachel asks and I shake my head. "My sleeping pills," I whisper, thinking out loud. I didn't even realize that I said it until I see the look on their faces. "Sky, why are you on sleeping pills?" Rachel asks concerned. Fuck.

"It's nothing. I j-just have problems sleeping sometimes." I say quickly, not sure if I convinced them. "Nothing to worry over. I can deal with a few nights without the pills. Not the end of the world." I lie and they all slowly nod. I hope they bought that lie because I don't feel like lying anymore today.

The truth is that I'm freaking out. I have the most horrifying nightmares when I'm not on those pills. Just thinking about sleeping without them tonight scares the shit out of me. The problem is that I just got a new dose, I have to wait at least one more week until I can get a new one. You know, to make sure I don't overdose or whatever.

I internally groan. I shouldn't have taken them with me today, why did I even do that?

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