9 - Morro Rock

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🎶Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) - Hillsong UNITED🎶

I inhale deeply before exhaling, while slowly peeling my eyes open. In the background, I can hear seagulls sing their song. Well more so yell but still. The sound of the ocean has never failed to calm me down. It's the sound of home, it reminds me of the place that I feel safe and sound.

Morro Bay.

I look at the sun that just passed the horizon and I smile to myself. I have by far the best view right now.

I'm sitting on the well known Morro Rock. Enzo and I once, a long time ago, decided to accept the challenge of climbing it and we succeeded. With the risk of our own lives of course, but we were young, we didn't think about consequences back then.

We were maybe 14 years old? Freshman year of high school. Over the years we found a safer way to the top and a better way to not get caught. We didn't exactly know if it was illegal to climb Morro Rock but we didn't want to find out either. Better safe than sorry.

Before we both left for college we came here a lot. Together and alone. It was our safe spot that nobody else knew of. Not even the rest of our friend group. It was our little secret. Also one of the big things we bonded over. Morro Rock, the place where we shared our first kiss. Thinking back at that memory gives me butterflies.

Things were so much easier back then.

My thoughts are being interrupted by a sound and I turn around to find Enzo looking down at me.

"Good morning. Finally found your way back?" He asks with a grin and I chuckle, turning back to the sun. "Enzo, I didn't expect you here this early. I didn't really expect you here at all." I confess and it's silent for a second.

Then I hear him move again and I watch him take a seat next to me. He's wearing a dark grey tank top and what looks like black basketball shorts. His shirt is stained with sweat, I can tell he's been working out. Probably going for a run.

"Funny you say that. You're the one who I haven't seen at this place for the past 6 years." He says humorous but I can hear the hint of bitterness in his voice. I nod along with his comment. "True, but I'm here now and I wanted to see if it's as magical as I remembered. I missed this spot." We stay silent for a while. It's a comfortable silence as we both watch the sunrise.

"I take that you can guess why I was up early. What is your excuse?" He asks eventually and I sigh. I knew this question would come. It's five in the morning, he probably does this on a daily and all of a sudden I'm here again.

"Had a bad dream. Couldn't really sleep after that." I shrug, he just nods. "What about?" I stay silent. "That bad huh?" He then says, making me nod. "Sorta." I glance back at him, making dead eye contact and for a second I'm lost. 

"Wanna go for a swim?" He then asks and I shoot him a confused look. "The waves are wild this morning, are you crazy?" He just laughs. "Like that stopped you before." He comments, but I shake my head. "That's with a board that helps you float on the water. I don't have a board with me and from the looks of it, neither do you."

"Oh come on. It'll be fun. I'll be there to protect you." I look at the water and hesitate. "I'm not wearing a bikini," I mutter. "So? You're wearing underwear, right? functions just the same." He remarks and I think for a second.

He's right, and maybe a morning dip can help me clear my mind. Make me forget the fucking nightmare that's still trying to haunt me this morning.

"Fine, but not for too long." I finally give in and I look at Enzo smiling brightly. Together we climb off Morro Rock and walk to the coast. While walking our hands are incredibly close and I have to fight the urge to grab his hand. Muscle memory can be a bitch.

As we get to the water Enzo pulls his shirt up and throw it away. After that, he starts undoing his pants while looking at me. "Why're you not undressing?" He asks me walking taking off his pants. "Because..." I say like a child, making him laugh. 

"Right okay, well I'm sure it's nothing that I haven't seen before." He jokes, making me roll my eyes. "For the record, age can change a body," I remark while I finally get the courage to take off my top and shorts. 

Once I'm standing in only my underwear there's a moment of silence as Enzo scans my body. "Done checking me out?" I ask before running into the ocean. A second later I hear him chasing after me, making me run faster while a giggle escapes my mouth. 

It feels amazing. The wind, the water, how the sun peaks just over the horizon. It feels like heaven and beyond. 

When the water gets higher, making it harder to run, I just stop for a second and look at the scene in front of me. The sky is an orange-pink and far away you can see seagulls fly. The sounds of the water shooting shivers down my spine. 

That's when Enzo runs right past me, looking back at me with a huge grin. I laugh as I start running again until the water hits my breasts. Enzo is still further away from me but I don't want to go any further. I wouldn't be able to stand there and the waves are a little wild. 

"Come on!" He yells at me. "Too deep for me Hayden! I'm not as tall as you are!" I yell back. The water hits his neck, indicating that I will not able to stand there. "Come on, you know I'll hold you if you'd like!" He yells, making me roll my eyes. 

Slowly I make my way to him, from walking to swimming until I'm swimming in front of him. Keeping my safe distance of course. I'm kind of struggling to keep my head above water and he can clearly see that.

"Don't be a baby Sky, just hold me." He says but I keep my distance. "I'm fine." I lie while a new wave hits my head, sucking me under for a second. "Jesus." He mumbles and all of the sudden I feel his hands grab my waist and pull me towards him. We're now chest to chest, his arms circling my waist. 

For a second we both say nothing, I don't dare to look at him. I can feel my heartbeat increase as his thumbs draw soothing circles on my skin while he holds me. 

"Put your legs around me Sky." He instructs and I do as he says. My legs hook around his torso, making it easier for him to hold me. We're now face to face. Our noses almost touching. For extra support, I snake my arms around his neck. This is hands down the most inappropriate position to be in as exes but neither of us seems to care at the moment. 

Still not being able to meet his gaze, I close my eyes for a moment and focus on my other senses. The water around us. My breathing, his. The warmth of the sun and our own bodies. His soft skin. His delicate touch. 

"Sky." It's barely a whisper, making me snap out of my daze and open my eyes. Making straight eye contact with him. His gaze burning me in the best way possible. I rest my forehead against his as I close my eyes again and inhale deeply. 

"You always kept me safe," I whisper, almost more to myself than to him. I then I feel him lean in slowly. His lips brushing against mine, making my breath hitch. His lips then slowly press against mine and I let him. Our kiss soon becomes sensual and passionate. He nudges my mouth open and our tongues collide. 

And once again I feel home. His touch sets my skin on fire and I can't get enough of it. I still love him. I still love him to my damn core and beyond. 

His hands trail to my butt as he cups it, making my hips buckle giving me a whole new sensation. I gasp against his lips as my core is pressed against his and I can't help but moan. 

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