17. territorial prick

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a loud yelp woke emma up at some unearthly hour — though instead of waking up on the couch like she had expected, considering it's where she had fallen asleep, she woke up in a bed. luke's bed.

the brunette decided to ask questions later and instead focused on the yelling that was coming from her kitchen.

she moved as fast as her tired body could manage. her and luke had stayed up for a majority of the night, deciding to watch a movie after he played a couple of songs for her.

emma remembered dozing off half way through, and her only assumption was that the blonde had carried her to his room, seeing as he had been so adamant on emma not sleeping on the couch anymore.

the sleepy girl emerged into the kitchen, seeing luke sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, with a towel wrapped around his neck and damp hair.

maya was hunched over behind him, a box of hair-dye resting on the table and a pair of scissors clasped tightly in her noticeably shaky hand.

"what are you doing?" emma asked, causing maya to jump.

"jesus, emma — don't sneak up on a girl holding scissors" maya readjusted her grip and placed a sturdy hand on top of luke's head. "i'm cutting his hair"

emma's eyes went wide. luke's hair was godly, meaning it couldn't be cut by just anyone.

"maya!" emma yelled. she walked towards her friends and gently took the scissors from maya's hand. "you don't know the first thing about cutting hair"

luke leaped up after hearing what emma said, and a hard scowl was aimed at maya. "you said you've cut hair before!" he whined.

"well — when i was younger i cut my sisters hair, it wasn't totally awful" she shrugged.

"dude, you were like, six" emma gave maya a disapproving nod and motioned for luke to sit back down, occupying maya's precious spot directly behind the boy.

"oh and what makes you think you can cut his hair?" maya placed a firm hand on her hip.

emma gestured to her own hair, with a duh expression on her face. "i cut and dyed my own hair"

"alright, fine, maybe you're a little more qualified than i am" maya huffed, taking a dramatic seat at the kitchen island and pulling out her phone.

emma smiled triumphantly, placing the scissors on the table next to her and combing through luke's curls.

"why do you want to cut your hair, anyways?"

luke was already feeling flustered, now realizing it was a terrible idea to have emma do this for him. he was too focused on her fingers running through his hair to form a proper sentence.

"i - uh, just wanted a change. don't want to look scruffy at the wedding — i'm bleaching it, too" he bobbed his head towards the box of dye on the counter.

"no offense, but i don't think anyone will really be looking at you, luke" maya chimed in from her spot at the counter, not breaking eye contact from her phone.

emma giggled. "how much do you want off?"

"just a few inches, nothing too drastic" he responded, wiggling under emma's hold.

she nodded, grasping the scissors with one hand and tugging the ends of luke's locks with the other.

"i hope you know how much it will pain me to do this — your hair is so pretty" emma jutted out her bottom lip.

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