25. stealing your girlfriend

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luke was thanking the heavens above that maya and emma's apartment had a faulty light placed outside of their front door. it was the only light in the entire hall that didn't work – and thank god for that. it was too dark to make out anyone's face clearly, let alone spot a hickey from across the hall. luke was in no mood to explain to ashton why he had a hickey on his neck.

"I called you, like, ten times. where have you been?" ashton spoke and uncrossed his arms, trying his best to refrain from punching luke in the face.

emma began to panic, patting each of her pockets down and failing to find her phone. luke swiftly pulled her cellphone from her back pocket and pressed the home button. the screen lit up, revealing 12 missed calls from ashton.

emma snatched her phone out of luke's hand and attempted to cross the hallway to meet ashton. "i see two of you" she pouted "help me" emma frowned and stretched her arms out, waiting for ashton to guide her inside.

"you're wasted" ashton spoke softly and pulled emma into a hug. he clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes as he glared at luke. of course he, of all people, had to be the person to bring her home.

for all ashton knew, luke could've been the one to get her drunk. his trust for luke had been unraveling into a downward spiral — he wouldn't put anything past him at this point.

"luke didn't do anything to you, did he?" ashton placed both hands on either side of her face and placed a kiss on her forehead.

luke scoffed while emma shook her head. "no, he helped me"

"fuck you dude – i would never do anything to her" luke spat. "i was giving her a ride home after you yelled at her and left her stranded with no ride" luke exclaimed, his voice getting louder as he spoke.

"sorry, you've just been keeping so many secrets from me it's hard to believe anything that comes out of your mouth" ashton argued back.

emma put her hands over her ears to try and block out the loud noise. she leaned her head into ashton's chest and slightly tugged on his shirt. "are you still mad at me?" she looked up at him through her eyelashes and ashton swore he could've melted right there.

"yeah, baby, i am. but we can talk about it in the morning"

emma nodded and walked over to luke. she looped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a quick hug. she stood on her tip toes and gave him a peck on the check. "thank you for coming to get me" she whispered.

"anytime, em. you can always call me if you need me" emma smiled and went back towards ashton.

it was amazing how both boys could be screaming at each other one minute, yet be soft and gentle with her the next – like she was the thing that kept them grounded.

luke tossed his set of keys to ashton. he figured emma was too drunk to find hers right now and he wanted nothing more than to go to sleep.

"i'm going to take her to bed, can you wait out here? i think we should talk" ashton shuffled through luke's keys until he found the right one. he unlocked the front door and placed a steady hand on emma's waist to guide her inside.

luke nodded, and rolled his eyes once ashton was no longer facing him. he was the whole reason emma had been drinking in the first place, why should he be the one to take care of her now?

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