31. i really fucking like you

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june 20, 4:42pm
from: luke
you weren't at the apartment when i was picking up my stuff, but i'm sure ashton told you the news. hope we can talk soon.

june 27, 9:15am
from: luke
haven't heard from you since i moved back in with ashton, hope you're okay.

june 29, 2:47am
from: luke
em, are you there? i can't sleep.

july 1, 12:13pm
from: luke
i know you're avoiding me... can we please talk?

july 2, 1:58am
from: luke
i miss u

july 2, 1:59am
from: luke
ignore that, i'm drunk.

july 8, 10:04pm
from: luke
it's been weeks. we need to talk. i'm coming over whether you like it or not.

july 8, 10:05pm
from: emma
please don't.

emma ran a shaky hand through her hair as she tossed her phone onto the couch. it had easily been two weeks, maybe more, since emma had last talked to luke.

physically, it wasn't as difficult as she perceived. switching her shifts around at work, hiding in her room whenever he came over, and avoiding his harsh gaze whenever she came over, quickly walking into ashton's room, where she stayed until she left.

but mentally, holy shit. there were nights when all she wanted to do was call him. to see him and tell him why she's doing this. but she never did.

she had to stay away, at least until her feelings subsided. denying the attraction was much easier when she wasn't staring him right in the face, but she knew the moment she saw him that everything she had tried so hard to push away would come rushing back.

her feelings have never hit her with such force before. and she prayed luke wasn't actually going to come over, but she knew he would.

luke was the type of guy to follow through with things, emma knew that. it was one of the things she loved about him.

emma's phone buzzed, another text from luke.

july 8, 10:21pm
from: luke
come down or i'm coming up.

july 8, 10:22pm
from: luke
bring a jacket.

emma sighed. knowing maya was asleep in her room, she figured it would be easier to meet him outside.

she grabbed a random jacket, triple checking to make sure it didn't belong to luke, before trudging down the steps. maybe if she walked slow enough, he would get impatient and leave — a girl can dream, right?

but she saw him, for the first time in weeks, and her heart started beating insanely fast. she was nervous. not only was he standing there looking attractive as fuck, he also had the audacity to bring his motorcycle.

she walked slowly across the parking lot, and emma knew luke was frustrated by the impatient huffs he let out every few seconds.

emma also noticed how tired he looked — like he hasn't slept in days.

was it because of me?

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