02. calum is an amazing cuddler

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present day

emma holland is many things. for starters, she's clumsy, so very clumsy. she would be the girl to trip over air and then laugh at herself afterwards, which is ironic considering she is also very athletic. she grew up playing soccer, but also enjoys baseball and hockey. that particular trait has landed her many possible suitors, but she shoo's them away without a second thought.

she is also bubbly, with a laugh so contagious you can't help but smile when you hear it. she appears to be happy. but as we all know, those who appear the happiest are often the most broken.

emma is a pessimist, and insists she will stay that way until someone comes along and gives her a reason to be an optimist. her language consists entirely of sarcasm and eye rolls. if you ever think she is being serious, don't.

emma holland is many things. but she is never late. which explains why she is impatiently sitting on the couch of her shared apartment, tapping her feet against the carpet and letting out puffs of air as each minute passes. maya was supposed to be home fifteen minutes ago, but that girl has no concept of time. she is always late.

emma hears the loud jingle of keys from outside, followed by the door opening and closing quickly. maya walks inside, a bright smile painted on her face. seeing this makes emma's harsh glare soften. she can never stay mad at her best friend.

"I know I'm late, but it's for a good reason. trust me" maya puts her hands up in defense before slipping off her coat and placing it on the counter next to her keys. she takes a seat next to emma on the couch and faces her, that silly smile still never leaving her face.

"does it have to do with the boy you've been seeing?" emma gives her best friend a suggestive look, ready to divulge in maya's love life.

maya squeals in excitement "you know me so well" she walks into the kitchen and grabs a bag of chips; she can't stay focused for the life of her and she can't multitask worth shit. she returns to the couch moments later, snacking on chips in between sentences. "as you know, he's been back in town for about two weeks. he asked me to meet him at our spot earlier today and he asked me to be his girl friend! obviously, I said yes"

let me explain a little.

about one year ago, maya stumbled into that same nightclub her and emma used to visit all the time. only that time, she was flying solo. over the course of the night, she had been flirting with a boy. they exchanged numbers, and she discovered his name was luke.

the pair talked constantly, whether it was going on dates, texting or actual phone calls. they were infatuated with each other. it only lasted for about three months, until luke broke the news that he was moving back to Australia. his father was sick, and luke wanted to be there for him.

maya was heartbroken, but luke promised her he would come back, he just didn't know when. they continued texting, neither one daring to see other people. staying in touch was hard, but they were determined to get through it, which they did. nine months later, luke was home and reached out to maya, which brings us to now.

emma was attentively listening to maya go on and on about luke, but she didn't mind. he made her happy, and that was all emma could ever want for maya.

"he's so perfect, emma" she gushed "I can't wait for you to meet him, he's staying at his friends apartment, I think it's near ashton's place, actually."

ashton was emma's boyfriend. they had been together for roughly six months. he was the biggest sweet heart and emma couldn't picture herself being happier with anyone else. he was the type of boyfriend who would buy tampons, chocolate and sappy movies when emma was on her period. he was also the type to watch the sappy movies with her and laugh at how silly she looked when she cried over the couple who was clearly going to end up together from the start.

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