Chapter 1: Sabotage

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A dream, or perhaps, it will be more fitting to call it a nightmare. The sky is tinted red and black, and buildings crumble with the burning land. If someone asks what hell looks like, this very image is the perfect example. In the middle of this hell stood a little girl watching over a dead teenage body with swords sticking out of every angle. The little girl with salmon pink hair, it was that fateful night that she felt a sense of rebirth. No longer was the former hero of justice in front of her, the boy's name, Emiya Shirou, no longer applies to her. It was that fateful night, where Emilya Von Einzbern was born and where Emiya Shirou died.
Chaldeas, an agency located in an isolated snowy white mountain. A place not known to those who are not involved with the world of Magus. Emilya Von Einzbern, who was asleep inside Chaldeas, in her dorm in front of her high-tech supercomputer, started to wake up from her dream which symbolizes her new life. As she was about to get up, someone is knocking on her door.

"Senpai? Are you awake?", a girl's voice asks softly behind the closed doors.

"Ah, is that you, Mash? Come in", with her permission granted, Mashu enters the room just to see her Senpai still in her lab coat, black sweater, red skirt, and black leggings from yesterday with the exception of missing black shoes.

"Senpai! Did you stay all night doing work?", Mash asks, looking like a doting and caring mother. Mashu Kyrielight, another member of Chaldeas. She has eggplant-like purple hair, wearing a shorter lab coat unlike Emilya's which reaches the ground, a black undershirt, leggings, and glasses, though it is just for style.

"Yeah, need to make sure that today's rayshift goes well without any problems. Everything should be ready by now", Emilya stands up and did a couple of stretches, hearing some of the bones popping.

"Still, it is not good to stay up late, what if something happens to your health, perhaps even shorten it?", Emilya smiled with one eye open, glancing at the worrywart known as Mash.

"Mashu, I may be a homunculus but I'm no ordinary homunculus, I have lived past my due dates, no? I'm not as fragile as others, you may even call me the modern Frankenstein", Emilya gives a light slap on Mash's back as she walks by her, making Mash yelp a bit.

"Come, it's about to start right? The rayshift. Wish I had more time to take a shower, oh well, beggars can't be choosers", Mash follows after Emilya and left the room. The walk through the hallway is eerily silent, it will take a few more minutes until they arrive at the central command room.

"So...anything interesting happens? Perhaps one of the staff gave you a confession?", Mash blushes, didn't expect her senpai to open up a conversation with this question.

"N-no, nothing like that happened. Besides, no one will ever want to confess to someone like me, I'm plain and boring. You're cuter than anyone in Chaldea, I'm sure you will have more chance at getting confession", Emilya gives a small laugh at Mash's bashfulness.

"That will be nice if that happens. But very unlikely, not only I'm a homunculus, but I'm also a one-way ticket to jail if any grown man confessed his love to me. Better if I never get into a relationship, really", Mash wants to argue back that she is wrong but she knew what Emilya said was valid. Emilya can't grow, no, that's not true, she's slightly taller than when she first joined Chaldea. She just grows very slowly.

"Still, I'm sure you can get into a relationship one day! Like, uh, a secret relationship away from public eyes", Emilya sweatdropped at Mash's conclusion. She can be quite an idiot once in a while.

"What's the point of getting into a relationship if we can't show that we love each other to the public? I might as well just be single without worrying about the second party. Anyway, ignoring the love conversation, back to my first question. Did something happen? you look more vibrant this morning", Emilya asked as she pulls out a small tablet from within her lab coat. The screen lights up with the info on the ray shift project open.

Fate/Alternative Orderजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें