Chapter 7: Until We Meet Again

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Gudako and the others arrived at the deepest part of the cave after leaving Emilya and her Servant to handle the Archer. The cavern is very large surprisingly, spacious enough to fit a town. There's a weird shape pillar up on the high ground, radiating with an ominous aura.

"That's a Greater Grail, what is it doing here and why does it look like that?" Olga asked, not expecting a greater grail to manifest already considering that there are some Servants still roaming around. Not to mention, she definitely didn't expect it to take the appearance of this pillar of evil. Roman appeared as a hologram once again as he did some digging into the files and reveal the information.

"According to data, it was built by an eminent family that you guys may recognize, the Einzbern family. As most of you will know, the Einzbern family didn't belong to the Mage's Association and were solely made of homunculi,"

"Wait, isn't that Emilya's family then?" Gudako asks as she remembered Emilya's last name.

"Yes and no...How to explain this, Emilya's situation is complicated, officially, she's not really an Einzbern but there's no doubt her body was created by the Einzbern," before Roman could continue on with his explanation, the radar is sensing an unknown Servant signal in front of the Holy Grail.

"?! Heads up, there's a strong signal up there, there's no doubt about it, it must be Saber!" a woman in a black armored dress with a headpiece to block her eyes look down upon them from the high ground.

"There you are, about time you show up, King of Knight, Arthur!", Saber ignored Cu's snarky remark and focus her attention on Mashu, more specifically, her shield.

"Wait, did you just say Arthur? THE KING ARTHUR?! Wait hang on, wasn't he suppose to be a man? Why is she a girl!?" Olga Marie shouts out in confusion and shock, her knowledge of history and myths seem to be crashing down.

"I'm sure she has her reason to pretend to be a man. I mean, during that age of time, the woman can't really be a leading figure, not to mention, a king. Not to say that I'm not surprised to see how long she could have kept her gender a secret without getting it to reveal even after her death" Roman deduced the possible conclusion of the king's gender, and he felt pretty confident that he might be right. While the commotion was going on within the group, the king only has her attention toward Mashu, specifically, her large shield.

"Quite a Noble Phantasm you have there, girl. Very interesting," Saber finally spoke after observing her enemy for a bit. Something about the shield felt nostalgic to her but she can't put the pieces of the puzzle together just yet.

"You can speak? Now that is a surprise, I thought you were just a mindless doll of your former self," Cuchulainn said with genuine surprise. Saber stab the ground with her holy sword and look at them with firmed cold eyes.

"Of course, I was merely just playing the part of a scarecrow to observe you the entire time. You are a problem, but you are of no importance to me right now. Disposing of you, no, all of you are merely child play. But first, I want to test you girl," Mashu shudders as she felt the harsh judging eyes landed on her instead of her shield to block them.

"Me-me?" she asked nervously to confirmed.

"Show me what you are capable of, Maiden of the Shield! I, Artoria Pendragon, should test your resolve, to see if you have what it takes to protect those who cower behind you. Who would be the victor, your shield or my sword!" Saber declare her challenge loudly as her mana, as black as the starless night, erupted from her body with so much pressure. Mashu knows that if she had to face the King of Knight, she would lose, no question ask. But her friends' lives are on the line, she can't afford to lose.

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