Chapter 13: Alignment

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Summer, the time when the heat of the sun is at its strongest. Bright light pierces through the clouds, bringing drought and weakening all living creatures' minds and bodies. The students' cheers for the school holiday are near at last, trips to the beach are made and many will find ways to distract themselves from the awful heat.

"With that said, it is not like we have to worry about the heat when Chaldeas seems to be always in a never-ending blizzard. So I am surprised that you are personally inviting me to get a sundae at the cafeteria," Kirschtaria Wodime, a highly talented magus, who is from both a noble lineage and a chairman of the department in astromancy, very respected individual. He is also the team leader of Team A, a team made of incredibly unique and talented individuals to solve singularity. Currently, he and Emilya is taking a day off, her from her work and him from his training.

"Surprised? Me too. I was just doing my job just like usual but then Mr Animusphere comes in and fired me for one day. Told me to do anything I want for one day, anything BUT work. I can't help but sulk you know?" Emilya quickly eats away at her cold treats, only to end up getting a brain freeze.

"Why yes, I don't blame him. Not after getting nearly killed by Hinako after your body stops functioning from overworking. I say, she really does care about you, as much as Pepe does, though she doesn't show it up front. Anyway, what does that have to do with me?" he asks once more to satisfy his curiosity. As much as he appreciates, being treated casually like a close friend which was different from the higher-ups who care about appearance, he wants to know her reasons for inviting him of all people. She could have invited her kouhai, or someone like Pepe and even Daybit wouldn't mind if she asked for a bit of his time.

"Well, if I can't work, then I thought I will take the time to actually enjoy food for once for their taste instead of focusing on their nutrients to keep me up in the long run. Don't get me wrong they taste great normally, I just didn't have time to savour them. And since you of all the members of Team A seem to work and train as religiously as I do, I thought it will only be fair if you suffer with me" she explained while carefully sampling the taste of her sundae, and found to fall in love with it. She wasn't crazy over sweets like most girls but she wouldn't mind converting into a sweet-loving person over her sundae.

"Funny that you mention it, isn't a break suppose to be anything but suffering?" Kirschtaria smiles, finding Emilya to be humorous and fun to hang around with. He doesn't even care if his sundae is melting, just conversing with her already brought his mood up.

"I suppose, it is just that I am not used to taking breaks. Maybe I should keep this in mind for the future so I can stop collapsing so frequently, that AND I don't want Hinako to kill Marisbury over my predicament," she says as she scratch at the side of her head with her spoon in hand and tapping the table with her index finger on the other hand. She does feel guilty about making people around her worried.

"That's for the best, we can't have our director die on us so early for a petty reason right?" he joked.

"You know, I know it is a joke but that almost sounds like you were planning to kill him early on one day," Emilya replied with a deadpanned expression.

"Is that so? Humour is hard..." Kirschtaria don on a serious expression. It seems like there is still a long way before he can understand basic forms of interaction. Both of them had pleasant conversations, though Kirschtaria sundae became a melted sweet bowl of ice cream soup, he didn't seem to care.

"I have a question, this is just for me to see how your mind works, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. If one day, you become the villain to the people around you, maybe to the entire world over a misunderstanding or miscommunication, what will you do? Will you try to fix it, how and why?" Kirschtaria asks the heavy subject with a simple careless smile. Emilya raises one of her eyebrows due to how out of the blue the question was.

"What brought this up? Did something happen?" Emilya asked, wanting to confirm if her friend is in need of some type of help. She is no stranger to being isolated for being misunderstood, no, perhaps it is the opposite. She gets unwanted attention herself for being a unique individual. She may be clueless in some aspects of the life of Magus, but she is no stranger to the idea that reputation is a double-edged sword. You can be respected if you can maintain a good reputation for so long, but humans will always be human and do what humans do best, act upon jealousy and greed.

'Perhaps an assassination attempts gone wrong due to false accusation of his reputation?' Emilya thought to herself, trying to find any reason that might cause him to bring this subject up.

"Pardon me, as I said, it is just a test to see how your mind operates. Nothing more or less, but I suppose the question was mostly based on the book I was reading, it was about a holy maiden who fought alongside her fellow soldiers but was betrayed and labelled as a witch. I don't know what the pure saint's last thought was when she was being 'punished' but if I have to guess, she probably thought it was god's will for her to meet her end right there and then," after Emilya listens to his explanation, she relaxes and slumps back into her seat.

"I see, you scared me for a bit. Also, you are not being subtle about it, you're talking about the Holy Maiden, Jeanne D'arc, correct?" Kirschtaria smiles proudly, like an older sibling who is proud of his little sibling for acing the test.

"As I had expected, you do know who I was talking about. I see that days of living like a cave dweller in the library wasn't for nothing," Emilya sweatdropped, sure she did spend the majority of her time in the library since there were a lot of things she needed to know if she were to be of any help to Chaldea, but calling her a cave dweller makes it sounds like she lived there.

"Jeanne D'arc huh. Yes, I can see her thinking on the same line like that. With currently available knowledge, I can say that she doesn't seem like the type of person to hate on others, even if she has every right to do so. If summoned as a Servant, she will definitely be a Ruler, I can't see her having a grudge and spewing curses with her last breath. Avenger is definitely a class not suited for her," or so she says but she knew that it isn't as simple as that.

"But, the possibility is still there, no doubt about it" she continues, which makes Kirschtaria find himself indulging further into this topic.

"Oh? And why's that?" Emilya places the spoon down before taking a small coin out of her lab pocket.

"It's simple really, as long as the concept of good and evil exists, there will always be one version of each side of the spectrum. Imagine this coin as that concept, the head is good, while the tail is evil. One can't exist without the other. I'm not saying that Jeane D'arc has an evil side, I am saying that the Throne of Hero follows this concept to a T. But obviously, some external factor has to come into play to actually create something like evil Jeane D'arc, since people see her as a pure saint which is what the Throne will be solely focus on," Emilya laughs bitterly as she remembered her memory of what happened to Saber during her Holy Grail War. And now, that version of Saber has now permanently joined the Throne of Hero.

"I see, it seems I learn something new today. With that said, Servants really don't have much of a choice with how they appear it seems. Considering their true self can be altered by an external factor," Kischtaria speaks to himself out loud. Emilya couldn't agree more, especially people in Berserker and Avenger Class. After all, she doubts that the Servants chose themselves to be put under intense madness enhancement and carried intense hatred 24/7.

'Truly, a Holy Grail War is just a pretext for purgatory for these so-called Heroes. A cycle of the slaughter of this supposed one wish that sometimes doesn't seem to worth it,' she thought, before shoving that thought at the back of her mind. Right now she is supposed to be relaxing, and that is what she will do. Hopefully, Kirschtaria doesn't find her presence boring.

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