Chapter 10: Daughter

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(Reminder that from now on, words in BOLD when it comes to Tamamo quotes is her saying that word in Tamamo-glish, aka Tamamo's English accent)

"Thanks again, doctor," Emilya says her thanks from within her pod, no longer she's wearing her lab coat, her usual uniform but in her hospital gown. Romani Archaman only smiles and told her to take a full rest, for her journey as a Master will require her in top shape. He proceed to walk out of the room, where Mashu and the rest were outside, standing in silence.

"How is Emilya-Senpai doing?" Mashu broke the silence and ask, worrying about her sister figure.

"She's fine, she should be released by the evening...well, according to the digital time that is, since we can't really see outside of Chaldea right now," Romani reassured Mashu that her senpai will be fine, that she will recover without any issue. Olga Marie bite on her nail, frustrated and still in disbelief at the revelation of Lev Lainur's traitorous action.

"The future had been incinerated, there's nothing beyond 2017. In other words, we will reach a dead-end the moment 2018 hits, and have a high chance of a quantum time-lock taking place, initiating the theoretical pruning phenomena. What sort of evil god is at work for doing this, what kind of goal it's trying to accomplish?" she mutters loudly, still in disbelief but slowly coming to terms with reality, she had to accept them from impossible odds to facts eventually.

"You mages really like to use big difficult words, don't you? Well, I, for one, don't really care about the fate of the world. Burn it, boil it, do whatever you want with it, but since my Master is from this world, this timeline, I will do my best to assist in saving it," Tamomo casually put her twisted opinions for others to hear, not caring how bad it make her sounds.

"What?! How could you just ignore the fate of the world, no, the fate of our universe!" Olga replies in shock and anger. Tamamo slit her eyes and smile her mischievous foxy smile, giving Olga a cold chill running down her spine.

"Hello hello? You do know who you are talking to right? Tamamo no Mae, one of the three most evil yokai? An anti-hero Servant? Don't get me wrong, I don't have any malice toward humanity, but I don't care for any lesser INSIGNIFICANT WORMS crawling on this land other than those whom I give my heart to and those who pique my interest," her voice is ominously cheery for saying such harsh words. Olga has to wonder why of all Servants, Emilya had to summon an evil alignment Servant like her.

"Let us calm down, ok? I don't know what is going on but I do know that we need all the help we can get, so why don't we set aside evil this and good that for now?" Gudako, surprisingly spoke up to diffuse the metaphorical bomb that was about to blow up.

"Correct! I knew you would be a perfect Master candidate, you are already doing a good job dealing with this hectic situation," an unknown female voice spoke up from down the corridor. A beautiful woman in a colourful dress walks up to the group, she gives off the vibe of someone who likes to work and research, wearing clothes that look straight from a steampunk RPG, mostly due to her steampunk-ish gauntlet on her left hand. She also looks like someone straight out of a certain famous painting.

"Leonardo da Vinci! Good afternoon!" Gudako greeted and bow politely. Mashu follows suit and does the same.

"Good afternoon, yes. Plus points to you good madams. A greeting is always important, no matter the circumstances," Da Vinci smiles and nods in approval of their polite behaviour.

"Da Vinci, since you are here, that means you got some info for us right?" Olga asks though she sounds demanding.

"Now now, turn that frown upside down. You are the director here, your mood will affect our performance you know? Take a page out of Romani's book, he always smiles like there's no tomorrow," she slaps Romani on the back in a playful manner, who nearly stumbles upon impact.

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