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Dontae Zaccurah Curry
East Harlem📍

For the past Kamira stayed in her room drowning in her thoughts and feelings. Zakani's death had taken a big tole on her. She barely ate, she either slept too much or too little. Everyone around her could clearly see she was losing weight fast and they didn't know how to help.

Dontae was currently cradling her body in her arms. He did his best and all he could do to comfort her. He understood that Zakani had held a special place in Kamira's heart and he had to respect that. Dontae nor Kamira couldn't deny that Zakani loved her even if he had a odd way of showing it. Dontae didn't necessarily like Zakani but he it was fucked up, he hated for anybody from his hood to die like that.

"You want something to eat?" Dontae asked rubbing her back soothingly.

Kamira shook her hand. "No, I'm not hungry. Granny forced me to eat breakfast earlier." Dontae gave her that look saying he didn't believe her. "I promise, I ate eggs, bacon, toast and a muffin."

"Aight," Dontae nodded believing her. "You wanna get out the house today? We can go drive around or go to the mall," he suggested. He was trying to slowly and gently push her to get out of the house. He hated how she kept herself cooped up in her room.

"Yea... we can go sit at the park or something," she almost mumbled.

"Baby, it's like 30 degrees outside. It's too cold," he said softly seeing the pout spread across her face.

"Yea, I didn't think about that," she sighed. "We can go to the movies?" She asked.

"Yea, whatcha wanna see?"

She shrugged. "I'm not sure, what's playing?"

"Ion know we gone have to look on the website or when we get there," he answered. Kamira nodded pulling out her phone and going to the movie website. "Find a movie, ill be back in a lil bit, aight?" Kamira pouted but nodded. She loved have Dontae by her side, he was her safe haven.

Dontae stood up pulling his pants up. He grabbed his glock off her dresser, tucking it back in his pants. He grabbed his phone offf her bed before leaning down kissing her forehead and then her lips. "I love you, be safe."

"I love you more," he pecked her lips 3 more times before walking out her bedroom and jogging the stairs.

"You leaving baby?" Evie asked as she sat on the couch watching soap operas.

"Yes ma'am, ill be back in like and hour," He replied.

"Okay, be safe," she called after as he walked out the front door.

"I will," he hollered back.

Within 15 minutes Dontae was pulling up outside the trap. He pulled around the back making sure his car was hidden from the street or anyone that could possibly see it. He made sure to lock it as he got jogging up the back porch and into the door. He dapped up the guys that stood right outside and inside the door.

There was barely anyone there like he knew it would be. Their trap was for business not a place to just sit around and chill. It was where his boss handed his business with his 'employees'. Or business in general.

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