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Kamira Marie Raines
East Harlem📍

Kamira spent the next three days avoiding Amira as best she could. Each day Monty was coming to get her for and dropping her off back home.

And most times she wouldn't come home, she'd just stay at Monty's until it got dark out. Her mission was to never go home, she felt like there was nothing but bad vibes in that house.

Plus Monty's mom was more than happy to have Kamira over. Since the first time Monty brung Kamira over Monty and Tae's mom, Evona treated Kamira like her own daughter.

Evona's husband had died years ago so she was basically alone in the house while her sons where both out ripping and running the streets. With Kamira there sometimes it felt like she kinda had someone.

"I really like this show... the new season isn't all that but it's really good," Kamira told Evona.

"I've never watched it, I might just have to take your word for it and check it out," Evona said.

Kamira picked up the plates off the kitchen counter and placed four plates down at the kitchen table. Evona was big on family dinners, she believed it to be a good bonding time.

"Thank you baby," Evona said and Kamira nodded. Soon the front door opened and Monty and Tae walked through the front door.

"Wassup ma," Monty said kissing Evona's cheek. "Wassup Mira."

"Where y'all been? Y'all said y'all wasn't gon be gon long. Y'all was gone all day," Evona stressed.

"Our fault, ma, we just lost track of time," Dontae said honestly. They honestly didn't mean to stay out that long.

"Mhm... go wash y'all hands so we can get ready to eat," she said waving both of them off. "Kamira, don't even have kids," she said making Mira chuckle.

"What y'all been doing all day?" Monty asked as they all sat around the table.

"Watch TV and cooked," Kamira answered.

"Mira when you going back home?" Dontae asked.

Evona eyes went wide as she glared at him. "Dontae."

"Nah, I ain't mean it like that. I ain't got no problem with you staying here. I was just wondering if ya sister or pops would've been worried or something."

"No, it's fine. My sister probably doesn't care and my dad is still out of town on a business trip," she answered.

"Well you can stay here as long as you want," Evona smiled.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it. But Tae is right I should go back home. Ive over stayed my welcome anyways," she chucked awkwardly.

"Nonsense," Evona waved her off. "Don't listen to that boy. You can stay but if you want to go I'll understand."

"Thank you," Kamira smiled softly. "Monty, can you take me home after we finish dinner?"

"Yea, I gotchu," he nodded.

Dinner was over way sooner than Kamira expected. She was dreading going home but she knew it wasn't right staying at Evona's house like it was her owns no matter if Evona was okay with it or not.

Love MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora