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Kamira Marie Raines
East Harlem📍

"Baby K!" She heard just as she was about to walk into the gas station. Her and Amira turned around. Kamira shook her head seeing Brix sitting on someone's car.

"Brix, what are you doing? You just got out the hospital yesterday," she sighed.

"Mmcht, I ain't even doing nothing, I'm just sitting. Same shit I would've been doing if I was in the house," he shrugged. "Wassup Mira sister," he nodded at Amira. He knew her name, he was just trying to be petty.

"Hi," she said dryly.

Kamira shook her head at Brix, giving him a look, telling him to stop. "Hey y'all," she went around giving each of the boys a hug.


"Huh?" She turned around facing Rich.

"You still fucking with ole boy?" He asked. A sly smirk appeared on his lips as he saw Dontae's head pop up.

"No, I'm single," she chuckled shaking her head. "Gon stay that way too." Brix started coughing loudly making her look at him. "You okay?"

"Yea, I'm good, air went down the wrong pipe," he said clearing his throat. Kamira looked at him weirdly before turning to Monty.

"Can I have 5 dollars?" She asked.

"Girl you got money, you was just finna go in that store," he waved her off.

"I wasn't gon get nothing. We was going in there for Amira," she whined.

"Then ask her for some money," he turned his lip up mugging her.


"Mhm," Dontae said handing her a 20.

Kamira took the money. "Thank you," she almost whispered.

Her and Dontae still hadn't talked they were both still avoiding eachother. Him more than her though. She was actually hoping to run into him.

"Okay... I'll see y'all later," she waved to all of them about to walk off.

"Mira, you going to my birthday party this weekend?" Rich asked getting her attention making her turn back around.

"Sure, where is it?"

"My house," he answered.

Kamira nodded. "Okay, I'll come... And Brix go in that house and lay down," she pointed at him before she walked off.

"Ion think yo friends like me," Amira said as they walked into the gas station.

"They don't," she said honestly. Amira didn't say anything back she just followed Kamira down the chip aisle.

"You still gotta go to the school?" Amira asked her.

Kamira nodded grabbing the Takis off the shelf. "Yea, I gotta make up them tests I missed," she said and Amira nodded.

"I'll drop you, go home, take a nap and come back and get you, that's coo?" She asked and Kamira nodded. She knew it was going to take her awhile to make up all those tests she missed anyways.

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