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Kamira Marie Raines
East Harlem📍

Kamira woke up and the smell of bacon instantly hit her nose letting her know her grandmother was downstairs cooking breakfast.

Kamira meant it when she said she was going to stay with her grandma. She was tired of living in that house, tired of being under a roof that she didn't want to be under.

She arrived at her grandmother's at 11 o'clock last night. Drenched in rain, from head to toe. She didn't even want to fight with Amira by taking the car so she just decided to walk.

As soon as Evie seen her grand baby on her step she didn't hesitate to welcome her in. She knew it had to be something with her idiot father.

In Evie's head she didn't know where she went wrong with him. Micheal was money hungry, he didn't care about the things that surrounded him, even if it was his children.

If you googled selfish, his picture would be the first thing to pop up.

"Good morning baby," Evie greeted hearing Kamira walk into the kitchen. "How'd you sleep?"

"Morning Granny, and I slept good. That bed is really comfortable," she chuckled sitting down at the table.

"Really? I was thinking of getting rid of that old thing," that bed had been sitting collecting dust.

"Maybe because it's a different mattress then I usually sleep on it felt different to me," Kamira shrugged. "Whatchu cooking?"

"Bacon, eggs, sausage link, grits, potatoes and some waffles. That's enough? Is there anything else you want?"

"No Granny," Kamira chuckled shaking her head. "That is plenty, thank you." Kamira loved her grandmother with all of her heart.

Evie was the exact opposite of her son. She was selfless, she made sure everyone ate before she even picked up her plate. She was old school she believed in a lot of things parents don't teach their kids now a days.

A sweet old lady that kept candy in her purse so when she ran into the kids on the street they could have some sweets. She was truly the heart of the neighborhood, everybody loved her.

The OGs called her mom, the teenagers called her grams and the baby's called her gg. Sunday dinners were truly a show.

"So what's happened? We didn't get a chance to talk last night."

Kamira sighed not knowing where she should start. "Well me and Amira got into a big argument... I haven't talked to her in almost a week. Then, daddy came home last night and he has a new girlfriend and wants us to move with him so he can be with her."

"First off, now matter what you and your got into it about both of y'all need to move past that. Y'all sisters at the end of the day and in the end y'all all eachother gone have," she said and Kamira nodded.

"Now for your father, I don't what that man has going on? He's been gone for two months and comes back saying he wants y'all to move. That girl is corrupting his mind. After yo momma died it was like he lost the little bit of sense he had. You and your sister about to be 18 soon you don't have to move with him if you don't want, you can stay with me until you ready to move out. I don't want you living anywhere you don't want to or you feel uncomfortable. But you needa get a job I know Micheal just been throwing money at y'all."

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