Chapter 20

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Sitting down for lunch, I shake my head reading Dakota's message, I was hoping to see her for lunch. That's the downside for chasing after a busy woman, I chuckle and slip my phone away as the two couples head for the table, everyone pleased to be able to get away for food. "I'm starved! It's so good to be back to work." Sarah groans as she drops into the booth, Snake chuckles and shakes his head.

"It's great to have you back, Kelly was nice, but she isn't you, I missed working with my bestie." Angel giggles and I shake my head at the pair. The gossiping girls love working together.

"Sorry it took so long, they made us wait." I chuckle and raise my hands.

"No worries, I haven't even ordered drinks."

"Is Dakota coming?" Snake asks, Axel gets a disgruntled look, as he rolls his eyes, I don't know his issue with her, but it's starting to piss me off. I know she doesn't care, but I sure as hell do. She's done nothing to him, not that I can see, she doesn't even get mad at his attitude, just shrugs it off.

"No, Kota's stuck working today, can only afford to take a day off every once in a while." He chuckles and the waitress walks up, smiling at everyone, the look in her eyes changes as she looks at me.

"How's Dakota feeling today?" I have to arch my brow at the older woman.

"Fine? Why?" She shakes her head at me.

"Last night she came in looking like she just got into a fight, said it was because of a horse. I know what it looks like when she fights, her knuckles were bruised." My heart stutters to a stop. What? I don't respond as I stand and head for the door; the fuck happened? I pull my phone out ignoring the guys and girls calls as I dial her number. It rings and goes to voicemail, I hang up and get on my bike; I need to see her. My bike roars to life as I rip out of the parking lot heading for her ranch. What the fuck happened?

My heart races, dirt spews into the air as I skid to a stop, spotting her father coming out of the barn. I cut my bike and headed his way "Where's Dakota?" He looks up, a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"S'cuse me?"

"Dakota, where is she? I need to see her; was she in a fight?" He stares at me for a moment longer before he shakes his head with a sigh.

"Damn girl. Yeah, she was in a tussle last night, there's nothing you need to worry about, she's fine." I shake my head at his words.

"Sir, I need to see her, I need to make sure she's fine." I can't believe she didn't tell me. Why the hell didn't she tell me?

"Alright, we have to ride out to her, you up for that?" I don't hesitate to nod, swallowing as he walks back into the barn to grab a set of keys. He jerks his head and I'm left to brew; why the hell didn't she tell me? I follow along feeling like a lost dog who just got nailed. Climbing in the gator I sit in silence as he starts it up and drives, somewhere. "Don't take it out on her."

"What?" I look over at her father, confused.

"She didn't mean anything by it, Kota's not used to having someone else in her life; she's not used to sharing things. Hell, she only told me because I saw her busted lip." I stare at him and shake my head.

"Why the hell would she keep this from anyone? Doesn't she trust me; hell, you?" I can understand her not trusting me, we just met, but her father?

"With Dakota, it's not about trust, not in that situation. With her it's about pride; she doesn't want to be dependent or needy; that's not the kind of girl she is." Pride? This all boils down to pride? What kind of pride does she have to get injured? I don't understand, I doubt anyone could damage her ego; her confidence if I'm honest. She doesn't have an ego, she's confident and has every fucking reason to be. Dakota is one of the most badass women I've ever met. Who the hell could've or would've fought her?

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