Chapter 31

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Oakley's time off has done him some good, it also doesn't hurt that he's finally at stud. While the big fella still has his spunk he's not aiming for my jugular, instead he just gives me a pissy stare before accepting the pets I offer. Oh, I love geldings. I prefer them to mare's for the most part. Every now and again you can find a sweet girl that just is looking to please. Rocking my hips, I push Oakley, engaging his backside to push with his hindquarters through his canter. The smooth gait makes me quirk a slight smile. He's such a smooth mover.

Riding english isn't my favorite thing to do, I much prefer western and all it's about. And yet I'm in an english saddle. I let Oakley slow to a walk, patting his neck, praising him softly. He snorts and shakes his head as he walks around the arena, his head lowering slightly as he calms down. He's a good boy. The more I work with him the more I see his personality come out, expressed in his playful and grumpy nature. Cat like in a way. Chuckling softly at the thought we round the corner and turn to see four grinning faces. "What do you fools want?"

I shake my head with a slight smirk, my brow quirking up in amusement. "We couldn't help ourselves when we heard you could ride." Max remarks making me shake my head as I guide Oakley towards the four men.

"So what? You just wanted to be in aw?" The man snickers and climbs up onto the fencing lining the arena, sitting on top.

"Well I've always been curious about how good of a cowgirl you are." Jackson snickers, making the rest of the group chuckle as they follow suit, waiting to see how this played out.

"Are you saying you just wanted to see me eat dirt?" I arch a brow as I stare at the sheepish grins that cover their features, Daniel chuckling with a cheeky grin.

"There has to be something you're good at. It might be eating dirt." I snort and roll my eyes. Cocky bastard.

"I don't eat dirt much, I don't like the flavor it leaves in my mouth." I'm not afraid to goad back and chuckle. "It kinda tastes like ass, you know the flavor, you're kissing it a lot." Daniel shakes his head with a chuckle of his own.

"Not Cool." The other three bust out laughing with grins. I've missed this. The banter shared between us is unique I'm sure. The crude comments and busting each other's balls, or backs is really something that'll push you through the hard shit overseas. Plus it's always entertaining.

"I think it was perfectly cool Bucko." My southern twang slips through as I chuckle and move Oakley away wanting to finish with our cool down. Only a few more laps buddy. I pat his neck and he snorts, moving slowly, not wanting to move any longer. Poor thing, you've done a few laps. I shake my head with a chuckle as I make him walk on to cool off, the four continue to make comments. The boys are back in town and giving me hell; the fond memories almost get me teary.

"Can it before I do it for you." I chuckle and shake my head at the group, amused by their words as I get off of Oakley, pulling his tack to let him roam around in the arena, inspecting the place. Tony snickers and shakes his head, drinking from his water bottle. All four of them have fitted 'ranch hands' to the place, dressed in worn down attire to not look too out of place. For little onlookers.

"That's a wimpy threat, you're retired." That makes me snort and roll my eyes as I walk up to the four with a lopsided grin.

"Oh please, I can still hand you all your asses. Boys, I fight ponies that weigh more than you." Daniel arches his brow at me and jumps down.

"Bring it Sarg, I'd like to see your best." I chuckle at him and pull off my riding gloves.

"Ladies swing first Sharp." I tease him with a grin watching as he chuckles and steps forward ready to spar. It never hurt to sharpen up on your hand to hand combat.

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