Chapter 14

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Standing in the round pen, I watch as the horse circles. Occasionally kicking out at me, making me adjust his attitude. This stallion and I were already starting on the wrong foot, when I was pulling him from his stall he decided to reach out, teeth bared aiming for me. So yeah, he needs some attitude adjustments. Luckily he only managed to grab my skin, not breaking anything. Why not add another bruise to my hide? Shaking my head as he kicks out again, making me crack a whip, not hitting him.

This is going to be one of the hardest projects I've had in awhile. This horse has been kept with about six other stallions, making him a walking attitude to put it nicely. The trainer his owner went to first said that he was a lost cause, and needed to just be put down. I'm not ready to throw the towel in, I'm not ready to quit fighting for him. Getting this horse's respect will make the difference, and will decide his fate. Letting him stop we enter a stare off, waiting for the others move.

He stomps, blowing out a rough breath, before rearing up. Pointing to the outside of the ring, I attempt to push him out. His response is to charge me, rolling out of the way I spring up, making myself bigger as I holler at him. "Out!" Raising my arms I crack the whip again pushing him to the outside of the pen. Breathing hard, I watch as he listens, going around the pen, circling me once more. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to get him to respect me. As much as I hate to say it, not every animal can be saved.

With him being a stallion for so long, in the same pasture as other stallions, it doesn't make for a good situation. I even told the owner that getting him gelded will make a difference. By the end of this week, if he's still charging me, there isn't much anyone else will be willing or able to do. I hate throwing in the towel, but getting killed by a horse ain't in my future. Wearing him down to the point of exhaustion, I can finally walk up to him and give him pets. Praising him softly, grabbing the lead I hook him up walking him back to his stall. Having to do many circles before I can let him go to his stall.

Handling him isn't easy, the owner had to ace him before bringing him here. I shake my head hanging up his halter, it'll be interesting to see how that plays out. Leaving the barn, I look at my arm, shaking my head. I need to find some ice, chuckling to myself as I head for the house, smiling as I still see Digger's bike sitting in the driveway. I wonder if he's up yet, this morning was interesting. When I got up to go to work I managed to wake him up. I felt a little bad, so I decided to give him a very warm wake up.

"I don't know how you did it." I look up seeing him walk down the steps carrying his shirt, his pants unbuttoned creating a very appetizing sight.

"Did what?"

"Wake me up, then put me back to sleep without even talking." Chuckling I pause, giving him a kiss before heading into the kitchen.

"It's a gift, I didn't mean to wake you up this morning." Reaching into the freezer I pull out an ice pack, putting on the growing bruise. He just gives me a grin dropping into a chair at the table. "Want a cup of coffee?" Digger yawns pushing a hand through his hair.

"What happened to your arm little lady?" Chuckling I make his cup of coffee, bringing it to him. Sitting down I kick my feet up on his lap.

"New horse, we're butting heads." Mid sip he arches an eyebrow at me, giving his head a shake.

"I can't leave you alone for a minute, you're always finding trouble." I give him a grin shrugging my shoulders. I've always lived my life in the fast lane, I don't think there has ever been a moment in my life where I haven't faced danger and giggled at it. Danger and I go hand in hand, the thrill is what kept me kicking. I'm a wild child, and I'm proud to promote that fact.

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