Chapter 13

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Looking at paperwork my eyes cross, forcing me to lean back in my chair. I hate this part of the job. Rubbing my eyes I take a brief break. The search for the teens turned out better than I had thought it would, thankfully. Both of them were alive, dehydrated, starving and a bit banged up. But they weren't dead, that's the best kind of outcome we can hope for. A knock on the door has me turning my head, and another person to bother me, fun. "It's open." Papa opens the door walking in with his normal injured gait.

"The search went well, I take it?" I give him a nod, looking at him as he drops into the chair with a groan.

"Yeah, the kids were found still kicking." He nods looking at me, before letting his eyes glance over my desk.

"How'd the ride go?"

"We only had a few hiccups, small things. They're working like a well oiled machine now. Ryan had a meeting with a secondary team." Leaning forward, I grab the files of the four potential security detail. Their profiles look and sound good, I'll need to meet them before I put in the final word.

"They look good, when are you going to meet them?" Shrugging, I lean back in the chair again, exhausted by the day.

"Some time before the week is over. I have some stuff to catch up with first." Papa nods, setting the files down on my desk again.

"You should go to bed soon. I'm going to be heading out of town for the next few days, I'm leaving tonight. I'll stay in a hotel, it's closer to the airport."

"Doctor's? Or horses?" He chuckles shaking his head at me.

"Both, I figured why not. We need some more projects." Another knock sounds at my door and I glance at the clock, feeling a glare work it's way onto my face.

"It's open!" I call out, staring at the door. I swear if it's more work I'm shooting them. My expression changes the second I see the face behind the door. Would you look who showed up?

"Hey little lady, I hope I'm not intruding on anything." He steps in glancing at my father, before directing a grin my way. Oh, he's good, he brought me food to.

"Not really Cowboy." Papa chuckles standing, looking at him as he walks up stretching his hand out to shake his hand.

"Papa, this is Digger, Digger this is Clyde, my Papa."

"It's nice to meet you sir." Papa looks at him shaking his head with a lopsided grin.

"Be careful boy." He chuckles dropping his hand as he moves towards the door.

"I don't plan on hurting your daughter sir." Papa raises an eyebrow letting out a chuckle.

"I ain't worried about her boy, I've seen her pissed off. You have more to worry about than I do." I laugh, covering my mouth and nose with my hand, leave it to Papa to do that. He leaves my office, pulling the door closed behind him. Digger looks back at me chuckling, giving his head a shake he walks over to my desk setting dinner down.

"Everyone thinks you're crazy." Chuckling I shrug, they aren't all that far off, I do have a few screws loose, but doesn't everyone?

"They ain't lying to ya. How's your day been Cowboy?" Sitting up I pull myself closer to the desk, collecting files to move off to the side.

"Not as busy as yours has, I heard about the rescue, I didn't know you were a SAR tech." Nodding I stack files to the side of my desk.

"It was only natural, we get too many tourists wandering on the land. It's easier if we are certified to help." He pushes a box over to me and I open it, digging in. I hate skipping meals.

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