Chapter 37

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Driving up onto the ranch, Ryan is standing with four horses ready, each of them tacked up. "You've heard I take it?" He calls out, making me nod with a grunt.

"Yeah, I heard, where are they? Do we know why they're here?" Ryan shakes his head as Devin walks out with another horse, the sturdy paint gelding swishes his tail languidly as he releases a heavy sigh, not amused with the interruption to his grazing time. Buzz looks around, chewing and licking as he pauses and cocked his hip making me want to chuckle. Definitely going to be Digger's ride.

"They're on the southside of the property, they came through one of the closed trails from the mountains. I don't know why they are here, they aren't looking too hot from the reports I got from our camped out friends." Ryan responds, making me pause and stare at him.

"What do you mean they don't look too hot?" I step towards Harley, my mind working double time. It's not good that they are sneaking onto property.... Something ain't right, that's for sure.

"They looked pale, a bit rough around the edges, the trail cameras we have on sight caught some things, it looked like the daughter, Delaney was crying, Jordan looked a bit green from what Max said, they didn't give specifics." I nod slowly watching him.

"That's not worrying at all." I say sarcastically. Earning a soft chuckle from Ryan as he shrugs, grabbing his own horse. To mount up and prepare for the ride out.

"What's going on exactly?" Digger asks, making me glance at him, staring at him for a moment before I climb onto Harley, listening as he sighs and moves to step, making me still him with a half halt.

"Do you remember what I told you about Mr. Callegarey? His kids are on property, we're riding out to see what's up." I nodded to Buzz watching as his eyebrows rose confused.

"I thought they were staying with friends for now?" I offer a shrug, watching as he gets on, Devin handed me the lead to one horse, walking the other to Ryan.

"They were, but something's spooked them back to me, so I guess we'll see what's the storm that's been brewing, I haven't been able to talk to the Sheriff to get a reason into that room. I haven't been able to make much progress in that department." I offer a shrug, spurring Harley on who was busy trying to befriend the older gelding behind him.

"You've been looking into Mr. Callegarey? Isn't he the one trying to buy up the land?" Devin asked as he looked between everyone confused.

"Yeah, he is, he told his kids to come to me if they couldn't talk to him; they haven't had contact with him for a few weeks now, they came to me, two weeks ago I believe." Devin's brow furrowed and nodded.

"Yeah, that's slightly off..." He mused, trailing off making me chuckle and nod.

"Yeah, you could say that again. We'll be back shortly, keep the fort down alright?" Devin nodded and mocked a salute as he stepped away.

"On it boss! Just let me know what I can do to help." I chuckle and nod, shaking my head at him before I turn to Digger.

"You ready Cowboy?" Digger looks at me with a slow shake of his head.

"Yeah, let's get this show on the road I suppose." I chuckle and nod, waiting for him to mount up before I nudge Harley on, starting the easy going walk to the perimeter. With a sigh I reach for my radio, changing channels to get to my boys.

"Danny Boy, I need a report shot my way; how's shit looking?" I call into the radio, listening as static clicks off after I've released the button, the device falls silent. Moments pass before the static clicks on briefly, clearing as a voice crackles to life with a chuckle.

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