Chapter 35

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I watch Oakley as he kicks out, running off making me roll my eyes. He acts as if I abused him, making him work and listen to me. The thought makes me chuckle as I lock up the gate to his pasture starting the walk back up to the barn with a smile. It's been a long and tiring way that's for sure. With the whole nightmare surrounding the ranch training horses hasn't been on the forefront of my mind. But now that I have back up, it can be. At this point I just want this cloud to drift right along and take a hike.

Sadly life isn't that kind and won't be so willing to take a hike. No, now it's a game of juggle. The walk back to the barn, I watch amused as the horses play, some kicking up a fuss and running, others taking silly nips at each other. Then you have horses like Fortune. I smile at her as she lazily grazes occasionally lifting her head to watch the other horses run past her. Flicking her tail with a huff before going back to grazing, ignoring the frolicking youngsters. I snort at that, earning a flick of an ear and a head tilt my way from her. Yeah, she's my girl.

"What do you want me to do then?" I walk in on a conversation between my father and Ryan making me arch a brow at them confused.

"Just keep teaching him the ropes in the field." Papa responds, making me pause and look at the pair.

"What's going on Papa?" I ask as I hang up Oakley's halter garnering a look from Papa. He waves Ryan away before turning to look at me.

"Let's talk in your office." He states and turns, the familiar jingle of his spurs warm my soul. My eyes narrow on his chaps, confused and concerned. What on earth is he up to now? I heave out a sigh and follow after him slowly. Climbing the steps behind him, he forces the door open, leaving it open for me to shut as I stare at him, he heads for the liquor cabinet. Oh, so it's one of them days.

"What's going on?" I ask as I move to my chair, starting to unzip my chaps.

"I'm leaving." The blunt statement makes me freeze, jerking to stand as I stare at him. Wait, what? I blink a few times, staring at him.

"What?" He shoots the whiskey shot down and slams the glass to the cabinet with a grunt.

"Clean your ears girly, I said I'm leaving." I can only stare at him, stunned into silence still.

"The hell does that mean? Leaving for the day? For a week a month? How long?" Papa finally turns around making me stare at him, his eyes shielded from emotion, tamped down to be hidden from me.

"I'm stepping from the business." This was gonna be brought to my attention when? I sit down with a blank face.

"And when the hell were you planning on delighting me with this info? Did you just plan on leaving me a fucking sticky note on the fridge. 'Bye, love you, I won't be into work ever again. Have fun!' Or what? What the hell are you thinking?" I can't see myself keeping my cool with this. Why the hell didn't you tell me sooner?

"Don't sass me Kota. I've made up my mind, I don't want to hear it." He grunts making me stare at him in astonishment.

"You have to tell me more than I'm just stepping from the business out of the blue." I grunt watching as he shakes his head sitting down in the chair in front of my desk.

"It's not out of the blue, I've been thinking about this for sometime now." He sighs, remaining quiet for a long moment. "I'm old, I've worked this place since I flew out the womb, I'm ready to retire. Kota, I'm pushing my eighties, I think it's time I lean back and take a break." I arch a brow at him and roll my eyes.

"You're pushing your seventies, not eighties, stop dating yourself." I sigh and rub my face. "Are you sure? That this is what you want to do? Wipe your hands from this completely?" I ask as I stare at him, wanting to be sure of everything.

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