Chapter 26

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Climbing off the table I look at Ryan watching as he looks around the clinic before his eyes drop back to me. "Come on, I want to get this over with. I need a shower." Ryan shakes his head with a chuckle.

"I don't want to know, huh?" I grab my shirt, pulling it over my head to glance at Angel.

"Thanks for this; what do I owe you?" She glanced at Axel and back at me.

"How about we call it even if you don't kill him?" I chuckle and shake my head.

"I wasn't planning on making him sprout daisies." I have too many easy connections to the idiot. I turn to look at him. "That being said, I'm not afraid to jack your jaw again, I'm done playing about, keep testing me and I will lay you out flat." I offer him a final warning, I'm done letting him piss off Digger. Take the piss out of me all you want, when it starts getting under the skin of someone I've taken a liking to; that's a step too far. Angel laughs softly, shaking her head.

"Well, I can live with that. All I can say is that's between you two to solve." I shake my head with a slight chuckle. It's sad when your wife knows you need a knot jerked in your skull. I turn towards Digger.

"I'll see you later." I give a nod to him, ready to walk away.

"Fuck that!" I pause and look at him, quirking a brow. "You can't just walk after, whatever the fuck went down without an explanation." I stare at him, my eyes narrowing as I listen to the room fall silent, the girls and their guys with Ryan all pause.

"Cowboy, loose lips sink ships, you know what I'm not about to do, shoot myself and give the wrong person a helping hand in nailing my ass. If you want to talk, it sure as hell ain't gonna be here. Later." I watch as his eyes narrow, calculating my words for a moment.

"Is this about Chika?" My silence is enough of an answer for all of them as tension rises.

"If you don't mind Cowboy, I have some business I need to handle." I turn walking out the door and jerking my head for Ryan to follow along.

"It looks like you made friends." I glance at him, arching a brow and shake my head at him.

"Did Papa get my message?" I hear them follow, not willing to be left out. Ryan nods moving towards the farm truck.

"Yeah, I guess so, he started making calls. Oh he said he was going to have your truck towed. What happened to it?" I shake my head, rounding to the passenger side before yanking the door open to jump in.

"It got hit." I look down at my phone, opening up my messages to see if he's responded. Very happy I taught him my code now.

"By what?" I look at him and arch a brow as he pulls out.


"Yeah?" He asks, sparing me a glance.

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to. The less you know, the better." Ryan glances at me nodding as his mouth makes an 'O'.

"You know they are following right?" I shrug. It's their graves.

"I'm not their mother, what they do is up to them." I force out a sigh as I roll my shoulders and neck, ready for round to. Some might say I'm too excited to gather intel. Now, even more so than ever. She stepped to the wrong bitch and she's gonna be learning. I'm not afraid to step out of boundaries to handle this business. Ryan chuckles shaking his head.

"Did you really tell Axel you'd add him to your list?" I chuckle and nod.

"Yeah, did you like that one?" Ryan laughs, shaking his head, pulling onto the ranch, my eyes scanning the surroundings, interested in everything. Has anything changed?

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